Local organizations have come together to plan the Earth Day Green Ride/Walk, a bike and walking tour for locals to celebrate Earth Day on Sunday, April 21. The leisurely tours will give riders and walkers the chance to check out local Rainwise Gardens and Solarize NW Homes in Sustainable Ballard along Ballard Greenways.
Earth Day Green Ride/Walk will comprise of a number of events all starting at Ballard Commons Park (5701 22nd Ave NW). A guided 6-mile Spokespeople ride will commence at 12 noon, a family-friendly guided 3-mile Kidical Mass ride/walk will kick off at 2 p.m. and self-guided tour maps will be available for pick up from event organizers who will be stationed at Ballard Commons Park from 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Community organizations involved in the planning of the ride include Sustainable Ballard, Solarize Seattle NW, Ballard Greenways, Spokespeople, and Kidical Mass.
To find out more about the Earth Day Ride/Walk check out the Facebook event page here or email jenny@sustainableballard.org with any questions.
Photo courtesy of Earth Day Green Ride.