Many readers have emailed in to report that the community is rallying behind well known Ballardite Joel Romeo to keep him from being evicted from his home.
Community members have created a Go Fund Me account to raise funds necessary to keep Joel in Ballard. Read the post from the Go Fund Me page below:
As you may have heard, Joel is being kicked out of his house for being a “hoarder.” We cleaned up his house, and his land lord is still kicking him out. Unfortunatley the solution isn’t as simple/ magical as “Oh, I’m sure the state will pay for that and quickly find him a new place.” The $ you give will go to moving costs and to fight for Joel’s space.
Ballard is now prime real estate and the landlord could obviously get a lot more for that spot. He wants him out at the end of this month. Joel’s been in this spot for about 20 years.
Joel’s house is perfect for him and connects him to his community, music stores, music venues, & friends. It is where he makes his art. He is a beloved fixture in Ballard, and he daily makes the rounds in his neighborhood.
His light shines bigger than he is, bonding with many people in Ballard who view him as family, and who he sees as family. Ideally we’d like him to stay in Ballard, and ideally, his house. To up root him from his home will seriously derail him.
Joel’s story has been a success story, he’s been able to live autonomously and independent. But it is the culmination of many people along the way advocating for him. And this hasn’t always been the case for him.
Joel is autistic and mute, he could use our voice to stand up for him. Any help you do will be greatly appreciated.
A documentary was made about Joel for the 2014 Doc Challenge. Check it out below:
Click here to check out the Facebook page dedicated to supporting Joel.