Buy the last Snickers from Sunset Bowl

Chris Cashman, the host of the Seattle Channel’s “City Stream,” shot their next show at Sunset Bowl, during which he bought a Snickers bar from the vending machine, according to the PI’s Big Blog. He’s put it up on eBay as a “rare historical item,” with the proceeds of the sale going toward the JP Patches Statue Campaign. 

As of the time of this posting, the bid was still at the amount Cashman paid for the bar – 85 cents.

The show will be posted on the City Stream site sometime today. What fun will he poke at Ballard? Speaking of history, he’s got a lot to pull from, considering his dad is Pat Cashman, of “Almost Live” fame, the show that routinely singled out Ballard, including one of my all-time favorites: Ballard Driving Academy.

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