Just a few hours after we posted a story below about a series of business burglaries in Ballard and Greenwood, two suspects were caught in the act at Picolinos restaurant and cafe on 32nd Ave. “At approx 12:15 am this morning, two males approximately 20 years of age attempted to break into Picolinos,” said owner Tom Bailiff in an email to My Ballard. “Working as a team, one used a sharp metal object to break in a double pane side window while the other waited in front of the building in what was later reported as a stolen car from a nearby resident. The broken glass alarm was triggered. The suspects fled eastward on 64th. Fortunately, a Seattle Police Unit which was nearby received the alarm dispatch and apprehended the suspects immediately.”
Bailiff said police took fingerprints from the scene and will investigate if the suspects are responsible for other burglaries in the area. “The break in on small businesses have been happening lately with alarming regularity,” Bailiff said.