Murder suspect faces previous charges

The 17-year-old suspect that was arrested yesterday for the shooting death of Manish Melwani on Sunday made his first court appearance today. The judge ordered the suspect to remain in jail pending the filing of charges, which could come on Thursday. He will likely face first-degree murder charges as an adult.

The Seattle Times is reporting that the teen also faces felony third-degree assault and attempted robbery charges in a case from last summer. Charging documents from that crime obtained by the Times say the suspect and two others jumped a 14-year-old Ballard High School student last summer and told him to empty his pockets. The teen later identified the three. The suspect’s next court appearance will be on Thursday morning for a hearing related to the charges from last summer.

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48 thoughts to “Murder suspect faces previous charges”

  1. That sounds about typical. Still awaiting charges from last summer, decides to kill someone this summer. Yeah, nothing wrong the court system…

  2. That's heartbreaking Silver, lousy demonstration of the promise of freedom and opportunity in America. Shameful for this family to have to deal with this. A fund raiser sounds like the least we could do.
    Not so interested in how the punk's family is dealing with it. Sorry.

  3. That's too easy. I want him alive in 60 years..still not having seen a sunset since last Sunday. He'll act hard in prison the first 10 years maybe. But slowly, he'll begin to understand what he did. The death penalty is too easy way out for him.

  4. KOMO just had Manish's parents on. He was their only support and they may have to move back to India. Their pain is so palpable. My heart breaks for them.

    They also had a brief comment from the shooter's father who said he was very sorry for Manish's family. I feel sorry for him too. It's all such an incredible waste.

  5. really? I can't imagine having a child whom i had tried to love and nurture for 17 years turn out to be a murderer. i can't fathom what this sicko was thinking, i cannot afford him any sympathy. but i can feel for his parents.

  6. Really, again, sorry.
    Tried, perhaps. Succeeded, definitely not.
    Can't understand it, my failing.
    Was this kid killing (assaulting,robbing) for his family? NO!
    Was this victim working for his? YES!
    Sure, bring up the social differences, I'll be waiting.
    Don't want to jump on you LLS, seriously. Just had to say what I think about it.

  7. This is purely speculation since I know neither the parents nor their skills at parenting, but I'd guess had this individual received 17 years of what you (and most people) would consider love and nurturing this would never have happened in the first place.

    We can't blame the parents for his actions, but in my mind they're not exactly faultless either. As such they're reaping now what they've sown, and I can't feel any sympathy for them either.

  8. I would like to see the murderer, and the murderer's parents forced to pay civil penalties to the victem's family. I think this is what Ron Goldman's father did in the wake of the OJ mess.

    Since the murderer is a minor, what is the legal responsibility of the parents for his actions?

  9. Legal, civil, moral responsibility, to what extent, who knows. I would have had the same answer if we were discussing last year's crap.

  10. Parents of the murderer? Sorry, I hope they suffer too for raising this monster. I hope everyday the rest of their lives their feel the pain their son inflicted, for their lousy parenting.

  11. I agree you can't blame the parents. My family: 3 kids growing up in the same household. A kind mother and an alcoholic father. My brother and I turned out just fine. My sister had drug problems all of her life and now is in a methadone program. The difference? Our friends. Nothing to do with the parents here.
    This kid, whatever his parentage, decided to be with people who think killing is a-ok. The parents don't have much of a say here. Much as they like to think they do.

  12. Again, the parents can only do so much. My sister ran away to be with the people mom didn't approve of. I bet this kid did the same.

  13. Americans need to spend some time in Japan. There, if a son did this, the patents would be on national TV groveling and begging for forgiveness. They'd be socially ostracized. It's why this kind of thing practically never happens in Japan.

    Here? You go on Oprah and blame 'society'.

  14. I lived in Japan for 8 years – kids there steal from convenience stores in packs and then the school they are from makes them apologize and that's all they have to do. Don't get the rose colored glasses about Japan – they have a big meth problem as well – have had it since the 50's. The education system is nothing to crow about -all it is is Prussian mind control memorization, and the college kids don't have to spend a single day studying – once they're in, they graduate, no matter what. see:

  15. “In other words, we must stop protecting them from the consequences of their misbehaviors.”

    That line is priceless, timeless, and attributable to all circumstances.
    The argument for enabling is over, folks.
    It has always been over.

  16. Until we know the circumstances of his family life, blaming and holding his parents responsible for his actions is not right. I have friends who are the best parents and all their 6 children are wonderful young adults. They are teachers and one is a police officer. Their 7th child is a different story. She has given them so much heartache. If our children, inspite of good parenting, chooses to do terrible things, they need to pay the price. When a son or daughter regardless of age, goes against the grain so to speak, most parents would go through so much pain and hurt also. I also have friends whose adult son is in prison and she been terribly hurt by it. The fact that our children hurt or killed someone else would be very difficult to deal with.

  17. I agree with you chopper_74. Good parenting includes holding our children responsible for their actions and teaching them there are consequences for their actions. This starts at a young age. There are some children who do not get it and they tend to end up in trouble as they grow older.

  18. my son told me there was a group of younsters threatening others along 65th between 14th and 11th last fall. said they “owned” the stretch. I poohpoohed his fears, saying they only talked tough and he shouldn't put up with their intimidation, or avoid that area – told him to be like a cat – get big and talk loud if he saw them approach – and look them in the eyes.
    he loves me despite my advice.

  19. No, you have it completely wrong.

    If you went to the website I noted, (and you obviously didn't) it talks of addiction and the consequences of enabling an addict, and the fact that most addicts have to go thru a series of “low-points” before they turn it around.

    This is certainly a “low-point” in this kid's life that could have been prevented. He and his friends (looks like) were coming and going from that home at all hours – probably on drugs – without any adults around. THAT is a form of enabling.

    The murder of an innocent man is the consequence.

  20. wow, first, I did go, and did read, and did comprehend the site you linked. And thank you. The quote I lifted was from that site.
    I do believe that enabling these behaviors, and others, lead to an unkind, or lethal result.
    I am as anti-enabling as they come.
    If they don't ever face the result of their actions, they will never grow. Period.
    btw, you can call me wrong, but I believe that we see the same thing.

  21. Having a sister who is an addict I can tell you, Chopper, you are dead RIGHT. You enable an addict they never change. I'll put my sister out there as exhibit A. She has 'low points.' So did my dad. What sobered him up was almost killing himself and his children in a car accident. They never seem to stop getting low points. The trick is not to coddle them through it. Someone was going to get killed.

  22. geez, NoraBell, can I be 'alive' RIGHT? ;-)
    Thanks, but I am sorry for your situation, I've been there, it aint pretty. But most things aren't…
    Gotta be real, or perish. Pretty isn't the goal. Easy isn't the right path…hmmm, gotta stop before I say something witty…

  23. You are not alone, a, it happens too often. I wish that I had a better grip on English…or, Seattle Speak. Even though I've never lived anywhere else, I seem to have missed the boat on how we communicate.
    Working on it, let's see how it goes?

  24. There are more scientific ways of getting addicts free of addiction than having to go together with them to the point where they “bottomout”.

    Dr. Daniel Amen has had success with healing addiction through healing the brain.

    Addiction is not a character issue – the addiction causes a certain amount of brain damage or alteration which leads to criminal behaviors

    Some ethnic groups are more prone to becoming addicts because of genetic wiring – this is well known in alcoholism studies. Also living with an addict can cause a transfer of bad behaviors to the non-addicted family members.

    It's hard to say what is going on with Elijah Hall. I am assuming generational addiction from the looks of things.

  25. I think a certain amount of blame rests with the parents; after all, when he commited assault last summer he was 15. Who knows how much farther back his rap sheet goes?

    What I do know, from friends *one is a public defender, one is a prosecuter* is that they maintain that behind every miscreant is someone enabling them…usually the mother, wife or girlfriend. Mark my words, the shooter's mom will be on TV telling us all “what a good boy” her son really is.

    It's inevitable. Just like every time they catch a serial killer, his neighbors always say “he was a good neighbor, very quiet, and kept his lawn nicely trimmed.”

  26. Well. that punk will not be free anytime soon.
    I would hope the you will not be free sometime soon.
    Clearly, you have issues to face. Bars would be one that comes to mind.

  27. I aint no criminal but i got love for da homiez. mayne i gits down wit my girl beyonce haha ya feel me. roof roof roof dont start no stuff want be no stuff.

  28. Prosecutors have requested that Hall be held on $1 million bail. He is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 11, and faces 20 to 26 years in prison if convicted as charged.

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