A Mini Cooper and a bicyclist collided at 14th and 58th St. this evening.
The accident happened just before 7 p.m. Medics tended to the cyclist, who suffered a knee injury and scrapes and bruises. The bike was lying in the middle of the street, crumpled up against the Mini. This is the intersection that was recently revamped as part of the 14th Avenue Visioning Project.
110 thoughts to “Bicyclist injured in collision with car”
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Cyclist and mini collide on revamped 14th Ave…how 'new' Ballard! hope all are well…let the accusations start:
I'm really sorry the bicyclist was injured but………
The Mini Cooper makes this funny.
You're next!
someone didn't YEILD for the other person….. I have seen a few of these over the past few months, where the people on the bikes blow through stop signs and crash. the rules of the road follow for everyone just not cars.
I was the driver of the Mini Cooper. The bicyclist didn't yield when he was crossing the street. I tried to avoid hitting him but couldn't. 14th Ave is a bad street for people not yielding to on-coming traffic.
On my drive home today a cyclist blew threw a stop sign right in front of me. I saw him early and had a feeling he wasn't going to stop so I slowed down. If I hadn't been paying attention I could easily have hit him.
I am recreational cyclist myself, and I totally agree with your comment seattlemedic7.
I'll add that the bicyclist was injured but should be OK. He injured his leg and his finger and he was taken to the hospital for examination. It's a good thing he was wearing his helmet.
The police officer at the scene told me he'll be cited for failure to yield.
This wasn't a “funny” incident in anyway. I had my 10 year old son with me and it's not the way I wanted to spend my Monday evening.
What did the bicyclist say? “oops”?
Why do bicyclists speed through intersections?
Please, those who do, can you reply with your insights? I'm honestly curious why someone would take the chance of being hit. Its the same thing as running through the street without looking.
Is it a case where the person on the bike feels everyone will stop for them?
Another good one to add to http://bikewise.org/ which has a goal of trying to identify the common causes of crashes.
Just for my own curiosity, since I occasionally teach others essentially a Drivers Ed course for bicycling (not for profit), do you know any more details? Was the car heading northbound and the cyclist heading east or southeast (that is kind of what the photos look like to me)?
How fast were you traveling?
I'm glad that everyone survived.
Some studies say that the first two years that a person commutes by bicycle have a similar risk for the cyclist as being a teenage driver has. The skills are new, the vehicle is new with different capabilities and limitations, and it takes time for us to learn. Even some of the laws are different (but stop sign and yeild sign laws are the same in this state).
Please ride safely out there folks. A bicycle is a vehicle and should be treated as such by both the cyclist and other drivers.
Bingo! Some of my fellow pedestrians act like that too. Like it's the driver's job to see us crossing. Stop and look. That's what my mother taught me.
I didn't talk to the bicyclist. He was being helped by the medics and then left in an ambulance.
Keyboard cat,
As a cyclist, about 20% of the time that I come to a 4 way stop (or even a 2 way stop or yeild), where a car approaches the intersection at the same time, even though I come to a complete stop and the car has the right of way, the car driver waves me through. That is overly polite, but risk inducing training. It creates a lot of bad behavior, eventually cyclists start to expect it. I've even had to point to the yeild sign and holler at the car driver telling them to go because it wasn't my turn before they would stop trying to wave me through.
Of course, there are some other reasons, there is a physical muscle-pain disincintive to stopping too, but when motorists selectively treat cyclists as drivers of vehicles and selectively treat us as a special case, it creates dangerous habits.
Why do drivers speed, fail to stop for pedestrians, run red lights, drive while intoxicated, etc. ? Some people just don't think the law applies to them. Some are on bikes others in cars. Most cyclists actually stop at red lights and stop signs, but they never make it on your radar. Just like the obnoxious guy at the the end of the bar gets noticed while the quiet couple in the back booth are ignored.
Nora, according to the Law it actually is the driver's job to see pedestrians crossing and stop for them. The laws of physics make it not worth assuming every driver will obey the Law, hence Stop and Look.
Just remember it's not always bicyclist that blow through stop signs or light, motorist do it and more often in my experience as a cyclist, pedestrian, and driver.
On my way home yesterday I saw I driver run a red light at Fiver Corners on NE 45th St. & Union Bay and run a stop sign near Metropolitan Market in NE Seattle (just to name two incidents). And a couple months ago I was behind a van that ran a light coming very close to slamming into an old lady crossing the street.
Lets not forget the rules of the road apply to everyone not just bikes, but it's usually the cyclist or pedestrian involved that are at the losing end. Drive safely. Pedal safely.
That's what I meant, Norm. The car is bigger than the bike or pedestrian. Hence the stopping and looking. Knowing the law is nice, but I prefer to make it home without being flattened.
It is less a case of feeling that everyone will stop and more of a feeling that you can dodge everything. A bicycle is much more maneuverable than a car. With it's small size it can fit through places cars, and even motorcycles, cannot. It is far to easy to start thinking you can handle it. This is a dangerous attitude, one to strive to avoid.
“i” before “e” except after “c”? (Yield!). bikes should stop and look both directions at a stop – just like cars and regardless of how many times a car might wave the bicyclist on. Plz – not so hard to follow the rules of the road no matter how many wheels/what kind of propulsion u r using
My complaint is that drivers in this part of town are TOO nice. Stopping for no reason and waving you across the road when I don't have right of way. Drives me nuts; it's so bad a hate making eye contact with drivers in case they stop for no reason.
Drivers, I know you are scared of cyclists because of the crazies and idiots, but just follow the rules! Please! It'd be safer for everyone.
Sunday, we almost hit a bicyclist on 65th. She was at a cross street on the right and trying to make a left turn. She was only looking toward the right and we noticed this just as we got close to her. We were coming up by her left and she basically started riding straight in to the side of our car as she was still looking right.
She swerved and narrowly missed being hit by the car behind us. There were cars in front and behind of us in the right lane. No one was speeding.
Jezus people, be more careful and look both ways.
Most accidents involve two parties. When the accident happens one is usually thinking “He doesn't see me/he's not going to stop!” and the other one is thinking “WHOA! Where did that guy come from?”
Only the truly suicidal charge into an intersection or pull out in front of someone they see.
Everyone else thinks they have a gap or that there's no-one coming, and for cyclists who have to do all their acceleration manually, there's often a powerful incentive to only stop when physically necessary, not just when there's a stop or yield sign.
endless, why didn't you slow down to avoid hitting her? Yes, you may have had the right-of-way, but aren't we all trying to avoid accidents? Defensive driving anyone? I would hate to have it on my conscience even if I was right.
That is the same intersection that sweet lady was killed crossing the street a year plus ago.
I witnessed that the person driving was driving the speed limit. Do you really think it is that easy to miss hitting someone who is already coming across the intersection? Give me a break. Do you really think anyone wants to hit a pedestrian or cyclist to prove a point? Unbelievable.
If the “accident” was avoidable, it wouldn't be called an accident.
I don't think anyone wants to intentionally run into someone to make a point.
I slammed on the breaks as soon as I saw the bicyclist but couldn't avoid him since he shot out in front of me. You can see, I was able to stop in the intersection so I didn't travel far after hitting him.
The firemen and police officer that I talked to said it was clear the guy didn't yield like he should have.
I'm glad it doesn't seem as though the new curb bulbs were a factor here. Thanks for posting, David, and I hope the aftermath of the accident doesn't get too crazy for you.
David, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry. It was an accident that you, of course, did your best to avoid. Accidents happen and it never feels good to have fingers pointed your way. Please take a break from this blog where there will most likely be more nasty comments. You've experienced enough for one day. I wish the cyclist well, but I also sincerely wish you peace of mind.
I hope you're not referring to stopping for people at intersections. The law states that you have to stop for a pedestrian who wants to cross at an intersection just like you would for a pedestrian at a marked crosswalk.
For some reason too many people don't think that's the case and don't expect cars to stop. WA driver ed and license testing could sure use some improvement in this regard.
Seriously, we would never, ever want to get in an accident with a bicyclist, pedestrian, or car, even if we had the right of way. This girl was not paying attention and we could not have anticipated her movements until it was nearly too late. She was lucky.
I'd also avoid commenting on here for legal reasons.
I ride my bike around this area frequently and never stop at this intersection. I do yield however.
part of the problem was the vehicle was rather small, as well as all those cars parked on the median making it difficult to see. we really need to eliminate those parking spots, too (after we take care of those spots on seaview for the burke gilman extension).
think how much nicer 14th would be with a tree-lined boulevard and easy visual access to see oncoming traffic
Good thing you were driving a Mini Cooper and not a Hummer! I have a terrible fear of hitting the bicyclists that blow through stoplights and stop signs when I'm out driving. I'm glad no one was badly hurt. Hope you aren't too traumatized.
As long as his comments about the incident remain the same, and are consitent with all his other reports, I can not see the harm here.
However, as they will be the target of some real hatred, I'd take chill from this place for a while.
If people, bikes and cars, are not going to slow down, but rather come to rolling stops to preserve their speed all the visibility in the world is not going to prevent accidents.
Intersections, yes, but please do not stop for pedestrians in the middle of the road. You may think you are being nice–but you are really creating a dangerous scenario for the pedestrian. Another vehicle, uncertain why you are stopping *in the middle of the street* is likely to drive around you — which could result in the pedestrian getting hit as soon as they suddenly appear in the road.
Can we please stop saying 'bicyclist'. It is not a word. Try 'cyclist' of 'bicycle rider'.
Particularly in the U-Dist around campus….students look at disdain when the cars don't stop for them regardless of who has the right of way!
There's knowing the rules and knowing the car is bigger than you. I don't expect cars to stop for me for that reason alone.
For the most part Ballard drivers are good about stopping for you at a legal crossing (corner to corner) but if I just amble into the street expecting them to stop I'm risking my own life.
I agree with you that license testing could use a little work, though.
Webster 1913
A bicycler.
Being a hobbit sized pedestrian, I'd like to see corner parking eliminated entirely.
No parking on the median strip! It's hard to see whether you are on a bike, on foot or driving. Bring on the boulevard.
People abuse corner parking, and police don't enforce it. I bet the city could net 100 K and solve the problem city wide in a day, if they got tough on the issue.
14th is treacherous, even for people trying to obey all the laws. Visibility sucks, the pavement is all broken up, there's gravel everywhere.
Bikes don't stop because it is a pain to start and stop a bike — yeah, don't start the hate, I know they should.
BTW I am another biker who has taken a nasty fall on the missing link. And I have seen two.
stop and start driving is hell on gas mileage, is that a valid reason for drivers to keep going?
This “it's a pain to start and stop” crap is just laziness and impatience. I commute by bike daily and have no difficulty stopping and starting again. Oh woe the pain!
I agree w/ Mondoman that the recent improvements to the intersection had nothing to do with this accident, and it's unfortunate that the brief blurb could be read to imply that it did, as the first commenter did. It's great to give the 14th Ave project more exposure, but it would be good to add a disclaimer that the improvements didn't contribute to the accident.
In fact, the proposed redesign, eliminating the median, would be safer for bikes, peds and cars. Medians aren't bad per se, but this one is poorly designed and doesn't provide much of an amenity.
I've taken to my bike for the first time in a year in Ballard, and I'm very surprised at how some drivers do not notice cyclists. Twice in 2 short rides, 2 drivers, one eating a scone, and the other one on a cell call, almost drove through me despite my clearly having the right of way at intersections. While driving much more often, this has happened much much more rarely. This reminds me that: 1) cyclists are not seen as well as cars by drivers, so cyclists need to be even more cautious and drive more defensively than when driving a car. Since many cyclists are used to driving, we have to keep in mind that cyclists aren't seen or treated the same as cars. Drivers seem often surprised to see cyclists and some still ignore or treat cyclists as obstacles rather than equals. Drivers, remember that cyclists make extra parking places for cars. 2) cyclists are painfully vulnerable when driving in traffic.
The stuff people do while driving never ceases to amaze me.
Except there is no stop sign at 14th and 58th.
Weird, I must have biked through that intersection less than 5 minutes before this accident, going north (which means I was going slow — uphill).
That's because the pedestrian always has the right of way. Even if they're jaywalking they have the right of way. They may be wrong, they may be ticketed for jaywalking, but you can't just run them over to make a point.
You ever drive by Ballard High on 65th? It's a complete free for all of kids walking through traffic to get to the Zesto's parking lot.
I know you're talking about not stopping for someone waiting to cross, but for a second there it almost sounded like you're advocating hitting them! I know you're not, and I agree that we shouldn't encourage jaywalking, but it read kind of funny the first time, like a polite request to have a DeathRace2000 scenario on the streets of Seattle.
What about the unicycle commuter guy? You don't want to hurt his feelings now, do you?
I'm posting from my phone while driving around Ballard eating lunch! Woooooooo!
I'm going to do a photo essay called 'Common Criminals' where I set up on a corner and just take portraits of all the people talking on their phones while driving.
Hey, what unicycle commuter guy? What'd I miss?
If he exists he is the coolest commuter ever.
Until recently I wouldn't have thought someone would have wanted to SHOOT A CYCLIST IN THE ASS WITH A DART GUN, but there's one in every crowd.
I used to see him all the time unicycling down Westlake in all kinds of weather. In the summer he would be whacking at the bushes over growing the sidewalk while unicycling by and once I even saw him unicycle through the snow.
I never got to talk to the guy as he was in motion and I was just walking in, but after a while we treated a Unicycle Guy sighting as a good omen for the workday.
I don't work down there anymore, so I don't know if he's still doing it. I hope he still is.
Very cool.
14th Ave is dangerous. I would never bike there. I don't even like to cross it. David, I appreciate your concern for the cyclist. There are a lot of anti-bike cretins out there that would go to the waterwheel and buy a round for the bar after “taking one of those nasty cyclists down”. I'm betting the fact you were in a mini made you hard to see through the windows of parked cars. If you were in a hummer as someone suggested the cyclist would have seen you and yielded. No cyclist is going to purposely jump out in front of any car.
I think you are totally wrong on that. I think there are some drivers that would love to clip a cyclist or run them off the road just to make a point or “teach me a lesson” (if they could get away with it). Unfortunately, I have had words with plenty of drivers this summer. I had one on Dravus brush my arm with a mirror when there was a whole other lane available. He even blew the red light so I could not catch him. Some of these Aholes actually think they are playing a video game and not dealing with human lives.
Interesting, because I had my side mirror broken off by a cyclist while I was stopped at a red light. He just fly by, slammed into my mirror (ripping it off) and kept going. I couldn't believe it.
Wow, I find it very hard to believe that anyone would “buy a round” at the Waterwheel for “taking out a cyclist.” Not that I frequent this establishment. Have you actually heard this? Or is it hearsay?
I was almost hit (on foot) at the corner of 32nd and Market while walking the dog. Guy in SUV (talking on cel phone AND looking at passenger) ran the stop sign as I was halfway through the intersection. Fortunately I had the dog on a short leash in the “heel” position and I actually had to jump back. It's nothing short of a miracle we weren't both killed.
People seem to be pretty careless about watchng out for others, while on foot or on a bicycle.
The issue is that the bicycle should have STOPPED, not yielded. Inattentive people and jerks will always be a small portion of any group, this is why you need to act very defensively and follow the rules that are there to protect you. I know it's tempting to run stop signs when you are on a bike, I have to fight off the temptation too, but it's something you have to do. “Not seeing the car” sounds exactly like the excuse car drivers make when they plow into someone on a bike, it is your job for you and others safety to see them.
I hope the bike rider learned their lesson and will join those of us who work hard to follow the rules and try to avoid being that jerk cyclist that the cagers love to hate or hate to fear.
The reason is that ON the UW campus, pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way, whether there is a crosswalk or not. Students tend to expand this behavior to the surrounding streets in the neighborhood.
You know, the more I think about it, the less I believe this story about people “buying a round at the waterwheel when a cyclist is injured.” I think this is just an attempt to demonize the locals. Keep in mind that all of us who grew up here (whether we support the missing link or not) grew up riding our bikes safely all over Ballard as kids. Of course, there were a lot less cars on the road then, and people didn't commute nearly as much. (before Microsoft, it was unheard of for someone from Ballard to commute to Redmond!)
Keep in mid that the population of Seattle has more than doubled since then…and that at least half the drivers are from somewhere else. I am very sorry for the rider, and hope he recovers. We can all try to be more observant and more careful. There are a lot more vehicles and a lot more bicycles on the road these days in Ballard; your life won't be seriously impaired if you have a bit more patience and get to your destination 5 seconds later.
BTW, I was actually expecting to read “accident between Mini Cooper and bicycle- Mini Cooper totaled.”
PLEASE DO. I've narrowly escaped being hit numerous times as a pedestrian by people talking on their cel phones. Yo! Person on cel phone! That law applys to you, too!
One thing I HAVE noticed in Ballard over the years is that bicycle riders seem to be mainly in their 20's and 30's…when we were kids, virtually every kid in Ballard had a bike and rode them all over the place…sans parents. Today, I rarely see kids (teenage and younger) riding alone, without their parents.
Is it because parents are loathe to let their kids out alone for fear of abduction? Are they all inside watching video games? Or are they all just involved with organized sports more than when I was a kid? What's up with that? I see people of all ages AND parents with little kids, but no where the numbers of say 12-16 year olds on bikes that were running around here in the 1960s and 1970's. What's up with that?
Looks like there is to me
I ride a bike, I go to the Waterwheel and I'm local now, but I haven't always been:) Clearly no one would go into Waterwheel and celebrate an injury accident. Don't let that guy bait you.
Kids/teens these days are over scheduled and parents tend to hover. But the world is different, and Seattle isn't a small town anymore.
That being said, there was a jolly group of teens up at Peak Park in Fremont the other evening. A very polite and spirited group. Some parents are doing things right!
It's happened to me quite a few times around here too. Just last month on 8th in fact. The silver Audi went all the way in to the bike lane when there wasn't another car around.
I'm not going to rehash the 'other post that dare not speak it's name' again, but you can't pin this on the others. In the good old days we used to ride bikes around the neighborhood everywhere, as in all neighborhoods. We still do. Cars have been running over bikes since the two were ever put on the same road.
I remember kids getting hit on bikes here just like other small towns across the country. Seattle drivers were inattentive then, and may be worse now with all the in car distractions, but it's hardly unique to this little sleepy fishing village that once was.
Don't know if you noticed but there is generally a lot fewer kids as a percentage of the population in Seattle these days. Ever wonder why they've been closing schools?
I don't go to the Waterwheel, and I can never be local around here, but I think the larger point that there are people who would be happy to take out a cyclist if they could get away with it is actually shockingly valid. Read the comments of any bike story on the PI site if you want proof.
Poor choice of phrasing for that post by ltpc, but that's what happens when you try to paint with stereotypes.
Yes, my bad, I always travel N-S on 14th so I (incorrectly) assumed the cyclist was as well. If he was going E-W there are stop signs.
I appreciate many of the positive comments people have posted here.
I'm a cyclist and a runner and I know there are some crazy drivers out there that don't pay attention and cause accidents. I've had some near misses myself when I've been running or riding my bike.
Cyclists and pedestrians also don't always pay attention to what they're doing. In this case it's clear that the cyclist should have yielded and didn't. I could speculate that he didn't see my car because it's “small” but I don't know. I could also speculate and say that if my car had been larger he may have suffered more severe injuries.
The speed limit is 30 mph on 14th. The cyclist was heading east and he had a yield sign. Had he obeyed the rules of the road and not shot out in front of my car this accident would never have happened.
I think I said above that the firemen commented that they see these kind of accidents all the time because so many cyclists don't obey the rules of the road. I know I'll be extra careful next time I ride my bike.
Private schools are still doing well, aren't they?
I don't usually notice kids one way or another, save for one time at Peak Park which was the larget non-sporting event group I think I've seen in quite some time. Nice kids.
p.s. I'm local wherever I live, eventually. Don't care how others perceive me.
Aren't the schools being closed because of budget cuts? I'm not a parent, merely a nosy aunt, but that's how I heard it.
i can't believe i'm home from work and this thread hasn't hit 100 posts yet.
truely surprised! get with it folks!
Looking at the picture, it appears the cyclist was going west on 58th. The sign at the median is a Yield, not a Stop. Clearly the cyclist was wrong, though. I wonder if he had on headphones…
I'm pretty sure if I'd hit your car with my Ritchie mountain bike (the Buick of mt. bikes) damage to your Mini Cooper would be greater. :)
EVERYONE needs to pay more attention. There are a lot more people in Ballard than there were even 10 years ago, ergo a lot more traffic.
Hello fellow Ballard Bikers and Drivers.
Please, If you are a bicyclist you MUST stop at ALL stop signs and traffic lights.
You MUST yield to all traffic at all yield signs.
At all traffic circles you MUST yield the right of way to traffic approaching from your right.
If you are a motorist, PLEASE share the road with all bicyclists.
If you have the right of way at a traffic circle PLEASE take it, it really messes up the flow for a bicyclist approaching from your left.
Can we all try to share the road and ride and drive leagally, please.
Working on it.
I've heard of a cyclist doing something similar in retaliation to a car driver who nearly ran them off of the road.
That type of thing is illegal, stupid, and counter productive, but when someone is suffering from the “you nearly killed me” rage, they tend to not think straight.
I'd be curious what happened in the 2 miles prior to the cyclist ripping your mirror off.
…or it might not be explainable.
nah, the private schools are doing ok, but they haven't seen anywhere near the increase to compensate for the shrinking enrollment in the public schools.
Couple that with the increase in population over the past few decades and the percentage goes even lower. We can speculate on the factors, but it seems that the city is drawing more young professionals starting out and the older couples having kids are moving to the more affordable 'burbs while the younger parents are staying where they are and not moving in to the city. That, or the bikini barista scared them all off.
I support the rolling stop, as in, treat a stop sign like a yield sign. That's what I do, and it's quite safe when done correctly. Some intersections will always be a stop, but not all intersections are the same.
That being said, the cyclist who collided with the mini missed a lovely opportunity to yield, thus avoiding an accident. (If that is what truly happened).
But really, 14th blows with all of the parked cars. Change it to a boulevard already.
other ballardbiker
So you support not following the traffic laws? Is this for bikes only or do cars get a pass too?
Go back to Fremont.
During the discussion of the redesign of this intersection, I had proposed that the bump-out for the northbound lane be on the south end of this intersection (from e-mail to SDOT, Jan 2008):
“My only comment is that it seems to make more sense that the bulb-out for the northbound lane to be on the south-east end of the intersection instead on the north east end on the intersection. This would then require the northbound vehicle to slow prior to entering the intersection and prior to the cross walk.”
Had the city incorporated this into the intersection redesign, this accident may not have occured.
What a perfect example of the entitlement attitude of too many cyclists.
We are all entitled to our own opinions. Your comment reflects upon your own uptight nature. How is that working out for you?
Every bike out there means one less car on the road, one less parking spot to fight for.
The rolling stop is legal in a few states and will be here one day too.
Best to everyone involved in the accident, that must have really sucked. Speedy recovery, both physically and emotionally…
Cyclists are always entitled, they are saving the planet!
Cyclists are always entitled, they are saving the planet!
Are you nuts? The stop sign means STOP. I don't care if you are in a car, bike, Scooter, Vespa , motorized skateboard or Segway.. The laws apply to everyone. What you mean by “it's quite safe when done correctly” is really ” I do what I feel like, because I don't want to be inconvenienced.”
Here's a perfect example (and joke.)
Farmer Jones lives down a rural road that connects to an arterial. One morning, he does a rolling “California Stop ” through the Stop Sign onto the road, and Officer Friendly, the State Trooper, pulls him over.
Officer Friendly:” Do you know why I pulled you over? Didn't you see the stop sign?”
Farmer Jones:”Sonny, I've been driving this road for 60 years, and I've never stopped, and I've never had an accident. I alwasy slow down, though.
Officer Friendly then pulls out his nightstick, and starts beating Farmer Jones with it.
Officer Friendly: ” Ok, Farmer Jones; which would you prefer; that I stop, or I slow down?”
What states is this legal in?
First off, I drive almost every day. The fact is, almost no drivers come to a full stop at every stop sign. I'm not saying its dangerous, but, technically, most drivers break the law all of the time. At least as much as cyclists, probably more.
The same is true for pedestrians. Most people jaywalk safely, and the cops never ticket for it. At least thats my experience.
Oops, I hadn't read this one yet, please see my post above.
I don't deny that there are plenty of dangerous riders and drivers out there. And we should follow the law to the best of our ability. But the fact is, no one does. What we need is for people (everyone!) to relax and take there time when they are on the street.
I also agree with the posts about not stopping in the middle of the road to let a pedestrian jaywalk or cyclist cross. I hate that. It is dangerous.
Jaywalking pedestrians are why many drivers hate pedestrians.
The pedestrian most assuredly does not always have the right of way. RCW 46.61.240 states that “Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.” In other words, if you're jaywalking, you do not have ROW.
That said, speed and tonnage outweigh ROW every time, regardless of the mode of transit. Even if you're the first person at a four-way stop and there's no one to your right, you still check for traffic to your left. And if you see a semi coming at 45mph with no signs of slowing down, you stay put, even if the law says you get to go first. Same goes for peds & bikes. Look both ways, and go when it's clear. Otherwise you're just asking to get hit.
Where on earth did you get the notion that peds always have the right of way on campus? The streets on campus are regular city streets, and subject to all the rules & regulations as other Seattle streets. Peds crossing in anything but a crosswalk (marked or unmarked) are supposed to yield the ROW to vehicles, bikes are supposed to yield to peds, etc.
Sweeeet! I'm gonna go run down all the kids in front of Ballard High School as soon as classes start up!
That's worth repeating.
I don't think he did it on purpose. Rather he was zipping through traffic and cars and got too close to me. Still I couldn't believe he didn't even stop.
Damn near hit a cyclist this morning as well. She just zoomed off the trail right into the street without even looking. I had to swerve to miss her.
Its dangerous out there!
Don't get me started. The Seattle School District started a campaign to close most north-end schools about 30 years ago. I had a list at one time; they closed Lincoln, Queen Anne, half the grade schools and middle schools in Ballard, N. Seattle, Broadview. Queen Anne and Magnolia; it was part of a master plan that went hand in hand with the busing program. People sent their kids to private schools in droves.
One of the worst intersections in Ballard is at 85th and 32nd. I can't tell you how many times I've seen drivers coming up from Golden Gardens blow through that intersection. I'm suprised that there haven't been more accidents there.
One of the freakiest things I've EVER seen happend a few weeks ago on the Fremont Bridge. I was crossing North-to South in the far right-hand lane, and there was a guy on a bicycle riding directly towards me IN my lane. For some unknown reason there were no cars in the left lane, so I moved over. (this was about 5:30 PM, so rush hour.) (also he wasn't wearing a helmet- anyone who thinks this is a good idea should visit the rehab units at Harborview or University hospital.) I honked and he just waved at me! How he negotiated the grating on the bridge is also a mystery to me.
IF there had been traffic on the bridge, (as I said, it was quite unusual for rush hour) there was no way I could've avoided hitting him.The passenger in my car just about had a heart attack. I've no idea what this guy was thinking. Probably the same thing that people who drive the wrong way on one-way streets! He went the wrong way all the way across the Fremont Bridge and then turned down the first cross street.
Drunk, maybe?
Anyway, I hope that people will be more concious of what they are doing, and pay a lot more attention to the rules of the road. This isn't Hooterville; there are a lot more cars and bikes on the road than there were 10 years ago.
Not to justify any of this, but…
85th and 32nd like many intersections has the stop sign occasionally blocked by overgrown greenery. I drive through that intersection just about every day and I haven't seen anyone blow the stop sign. ever. Maybe they do when they don't see other cars, since I guess you're walking there, but that's no excuse to blow a stop.
The bike on the bridge is a little odd, but I could see how some experienced cyclists don't like to get stuck in that narrow little crossing path while oversized tourists gawk at the canal, and decide that riding over on the traffic lane is better. A bad choice if you ask me, but again this is something I've never seen either, so I guess it was a one time thing unlike how people daily pull out of the parking spots in front of PCC and drive the wrong way down the one way street thinking the bike lane is a car lane going East. Oh yeah, and how many times you have seen someone try to make the southbound left at that corner into the one way coming from the East?
It would probably be best if Ballard adopts the mantra “Look out for each other”. Let's stop thinking of ourselves as drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Instead, we should all remember that no matter what vehicle you're operating, whether it be 4 wheels, 2 wheels or your feet, it is everybody's duty to obey the law and stop at stop signs. Let the rest of Seattle be jerks to each other. Let the hipsters ride their fixies on Capitol Hill. Let drivers on cell phones run each other over in Lake City. But in Ballard, let's just chill out, treat each other with respect, and try our best not to injure or kill anyone else. Agreed?
Also, I'm thinking of printing on my biking bag, in large letters, “You can have my parking spot.” Would that convince drivers to give me more leeway as a cyclist, or would that be perceived as cheeky?
Took notice on 85th/32nd today. No foliage blocking the stop sign, soooo….nevermind.
David – I want to thank you for maintaining such a polite and respectful tone in your posts especially in light of the fact that the cyclist here was likely at fault. There's nothing like a frightening accident like this to bring out our emotions and upset (especially with a 10 yr-old in the car!).
ps- I am a cycle-commuter and I am so happy there are people like you sharing the road with me.
Thanks sustainablequ.
I've also been a bike commuter and I know what it's like to have to deal with the inattentive and rude cars and pedestrians.
As a driver, it's bad enough to be involved in an accident but it's much worse to be involved in an accident with a bicycle, especially with my son in the car!
I'm glad the cyclist will be OK and hopefully he'll be much more careful about obeying traffic laws. Cyclists who run lights, stop signs, etc are playing roulette and are highly likely to eventually be involved in an accident. Not to mention, they give all cyclists a bad name/image!
The cyclist did receive a failure to yield ticket for this accident. He has admitted to the police and my insurance company that he didn't see the stop sign or the yield sign on 58th Street. I'm glad that he's taking responsibility for causing it.
This accident caused about $2,000 damage to my car and I learned this week that to get my car repaired I need to pay my $500 insurance deductible myself.
Cyclists aren't considered by insurance companies to be “uninsured/underinsured motorists” so if someone on a bicycle damages your car you'll have to pay your deductible out of pocket and hope to be reimbursed later if it wasn't your fault.
The deductible for an uninsured/underinsured motorist is lower, only $100.
In the event that the insurance company can collect money from the cyclist then I'll be reimbursed.
I'm looking forward to putting this incident behind me and not thinking about it!