Transformation begins at the future ‘Credo Square’

The interior demolition of Edith Macefield’s old house is almost complete.

We talked with Greg Pinneo, the new owner, who says that they plan to renovate the house and bring all the systems up to code. The facade will remain the same but the interior and floor plan will be completely changed. Crews will do everything up to taping the sheet rock. The house will shake when it gets elevated, so Pinneo says they’ll do the finishing touches once it’s off the ground.

Plans are to make the house into an office for one of his businesses before the major task of transitioning it into Credo Square. (Thanks Chris for the tip!)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

23 thoughts to “Transformation begins at the future ‘Credo Square’”

  1. I blame the retarded seller for this hideous beast. He did no due diligence and cared nothing about craziness of it all. Deep down, I still think something not on the level occured for her to leave him this property. We'll never know of course.

    Greg the current owner is a convict with a born again fakeness equivalent to Jim and Tammy Bakker. Look at his website, for $5,000 you can purchase a tile to have your “credo”. So that when people go to “Credo Square”, “a place to laugh a place to cry” they can see what your corporate Credo is.

  2. Not impressed with the scheme, nor anyone who shells out 5k for this.
    5k could go a long, long way to address serious issues.
    Don't be a sucker, do something that won't line some con-artist's pocket.

  3. So this dude comes along and buys this crappy old house that once belonged to a stubborn Ballard native, and he builds his whole premis by capitalizing on her post-mortum fame.

    Sounds like a great guy.

  4. From the development's Web site … it must be seen to be believed on every level.

    Credo Square is…..

    * A place where the conversation is deep and meaningful
    * A place to consider what is important and what others think is important
    * A place where people consider and think on the great questions
    * A place to laugh and cry
    * A place to reflect on what went right and what went wrong
    * A gathering place
    * A place of reunion with each other and with yourself
    * A place to start over and a place to re-affirm
    * A place to “suck out all the marrow of life…to put to rout all that is not life” ( Henry David Thoreau)

    Can you see it? Considering the verse within the square. Reading the credos of people just like you. Perhaps with friends. Perhaps alone. An oasis of thought surrounded by the reminder of the world we live in. Come through the gates at Credo Square and find wine tasting, great hors d'oeuvres, music, laughter, introspection and most importantly, meaningful conversation.

    We are all different, yet in so many ways, we are all the same. We welcome you in to Credo Square. Enter as you are and consider your verse in the powerful play.

    HOW THE HECK DID A BANK EVER FINANCE THAT?!? How can you show a measureable ROI or vacancy rate for “a place where people think on great questions?”

    I can't wait to go there and have a reunion with myself. Really, a fabulous and lasting concept, guys.

  5. I haven't pulled the sales on this, but I'm guessing he didn't need to much financing. After all according to his website he's never lost a dollar investing! (yes it really says that)

  6. He would have had to have paid cash. Can you imagine the apprasial comments: “surrounding area: area surrounding subject property is Trader Joes. Literally surrounding it.”

  7. I like this quote on the Reach Returns webpage:

    “Reach Returns is about getting out of your own way and facing what fears you.”

  8. Yeah – it's right there on the very front page of the website at I swear I read it three times before I realized it really DID say that! Made me laugh pretty hard actually. It's at the end of the third paragraph right above the three small photos at the bottom of the page.

  9. After reading all of the comments, I would come to believe there are some very shallow minded people who are probally collecting wellfare or some kind of handout, who would have a hard time fighting their way out of a paper sack, who have never dared themselves to step out, let alone try to do something out of the ordinary. I believe when this project is completed it will be rather iconic and the most inspiring place in Seattle. This is going to be cool I can’t wait to visit.

  10. When I look at this hideous thing I find some meaning in the fact it put two kids through college. Doesn’t quite justify this douche’s public self-suck but oh well.

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