Local businesses are Best of Western Washington

Congratulations to Ballard’s small businesses who have been voted “Best of Western Washington” by viewers of King5’s Evening Magazine.
Suite 300 Skin Care (5424 Ballard Ave NW) won for Best Facial, Plaka Estiatorio (5407 20th Ave NW) won for Best Mediterranean and Space Oddity Vintage Furniture won for Best Antiques. Dick’s Drive-In, a local chain with a restaurant at 9208 Holman Road NW, won for Best Burger and Best Greasy Spoon. You can see the categories and winners here. As back2ballard points out in comments, “There were also many Ballard businesses that ranked in the Top 5! I think is just goes to show that Ballard has a lot of great things going on.”

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

10 thoughts to “Local businesses are Best of Western Washington”

  1. Good to see these Ballard businesses stand out as being the best. Congrats winners! There were also many Ballard businesses that ranked in the Top 5! I think is just goes to show that Ballard has a lot of great things going on.

  2. Dicks as best burger?!?! While I admire the company for the way they treat their employees the food is barely better than McDonalds. I can think of numerous places in Ballard all of which put Dicks to shame: Zestos, Lunchbox Lab, King's Hardware, Scooter's, etc., etc.

    Next up I suppose they'll give the best Mexican food award to Taco Del Mar!

    Yeah for Space Oddity!

  3. Yeah, you have to take these kind of “reader” or “viewer” awards with a giant grain of salt…they tend to go with the known quantity over the truly good quality.
    It's not to say that these places don't deserve some recognition, it's just hard to believe that every one of them is truly the best in their category.

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