This is a reminder to fill out your 2010 Census form by Friday, April 16th.
The national average return rate is 67 percent. Ballard ranges from 71 percent in the southeast corner of Ballard to 83 percent in North Beach (interactive map here.) “Households that don’t mail back their census form by April 16 will be visited by a census taker, beginning in May,” Mayor Mike McGinn writes. He goes on to say,
A complete count of all Washingtonians helps ensure that we receive our fair share of federal funding – money we need for important services, such as neighborhood improvements, housing, transportation, schools and many other programs that matter to our community. Every year $400 billion is divided by the federal government among local governments based on the information collected by the census. That money represents crucial funding for vital community services such as transportation, health clinics, education programs, job training, child care, and more. But how much we get depends on how many people the federal government knows are here.
Federal law protects the information you put on your Census form and cannot be shared with anyone. If you didn’t receive a Census form, or if you can’t find yours, you can pick one up at the Ballard Library (5614 22nd Ave NW) or at the Ballard Community Center (6020 28th Ave NW).
Does Ballard get more funding if we all claim to be a Scandinavian race?
Nyuk nyuk nyuk!
67 percent return rate? Thats (almost) as pathetic as our voting rate.
If I have paid my taxes for the last 10 years…then the government knows..where I live, how many in my family, my social security number, what I earn, if I own a house…etc….take your census and stick it….try cross referencing you idiots….