Memorial scheduled for fire victims

A public memorial service has been scheduled for the five victims of Saturday’s fire. The event will take place this Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Key Arena (please note this is a change of location).

A fund is currently being set up to help the family of the victims. In the meantime, the Red Door in Fremont (3401 Evanston Ave N) is accepting donations. is also reporting that there is a potluck tonight at 6 p.m. at 330 NW 41st St (map) where donations will be accepted.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

4 thoughts to “Memorial scheduled for fire victims”

  1. Any suggestions on what they need most? Sizes, genders, ages? Are these locations accepting just cash or also clothing and household goods?

  2. Is there any help we can give to the family in the unit next door? Are they displaced and in need of clothes, shoes, etc?

    Thank you for keeping track of the memorial and donation details.

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