The Shilshole Gateway Project was recently awarded a Small & Simple grant through the Neighborhood Matching Fund and organizers are now looking for a design consultant.
Looking up 38th Ave NW where it turns into NW 61st Street
From the Request for Qualifications (.pdf):
Services will include conceptual design, technical assessment, cost estimates, facilitation of up to three public meetings and coordination with volunteer steering committee and public agencies. Services will also include assistance with strategies to implement the plan in the longer range, including options for funding improvements not implemented as part of this project.
The project will improve visability and walkability on 36th Ave NW between NW 60th and NW 62nd, down to NW 61st. The entire project plan can be found in the NMF application (.pdf).
I had to do a double take because I read the headline as “Consultant wanted for Shithole Gateway Project”.