BHS Librarian makes plea for donations

Ballard High School Librarian Debbie Arthur says that the school’s library is in need of many books and wants to get the word out about the Bucks for Books campaign (.pdf) that is currently underway.

She recently wrote the below article for the school’s parent newsletter:

Ten years ago the Ballard Foundation made the John Stanford Library a major focus for fund raising. At that time, they were able to raise a desperately needed $135,000 for the library. These funds bought much needed books for the staff and students at Ballard High School.

As the school budget has shrunk these last five years, so has the library’s. Hundreds of new books are needed again to update the BHS Library. The Ballard High School Foundation has set a goal of raising $50,000. The funds raised will be used to purchase books, computers and supplementary materials. Fortunately, a generous alumnus has offered to match the first $20,000 that is raised by the Foundation. For every dollar that is contributed to the Library, Victor Salvino will contribute another dollar!

Certain collections in the library are the focus of this fundraiser.
$14,000 for Science books,
$10,000 for Technology books,
$12,000 for Literature books
$10,000 for 8 Laptop computers for a mobile computer cart
$4,000 for audio/eBooks and DVD’s to supplement classroom sets of literature books.

There are several ways you can help the Ballard Foundation raise monies for the Ballard High School Library. You can make a tax deductible contribution, email for a Bucks for Books donation form. For a contribution of a $150 or more to the library, you are eligible for an engraved tile that will be added to the walkway leading to the north entrance of the school. You may select the name or message for the tile by completing the form in the Bucks for Books brochure (.pdf). Another way you can help the library is to go the BHS Library’s Wish List at Just click on “Wish List” and type in BHS Library. There you will find several lists of books that have been requested for the library. If you choose to contribute to the library through the Amazon Wish List, please forward the confirmation email to Ms. Arthur.

However you can help the Foundation raise money for the library will be greatly appreciated by all who use the library as a resource.

Since this article was written in April, Arthur tells us that the laptops have been purchased and some science books have been received, but there are still many, many more books that are needed.

Geeky Swedes

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