Take a walking tour of Ballard’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) on Saturday and learn about getting your own raingarden – paid for my the city. The Rainwise Walking Tour will highlight rain gardens, landscaping designed for stormwater to soak into the ground and “green” alleys, which are made of porous concrete that water will soak through. The GSI is an effort to control the approximately 1.3 million gallons of stormwater that currently overflows into Salmon Bay and Lake Washington.
According to this flyer (.pdf), participants will:
Learn why Ballard is leading with green. Discover how to create a beautiful yard and receive a RainWise rebate. See rebated rain gardens and cisterns on private property. Meet face to face with contractors to help get you started. The walking tour is anytime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and starts at the Sunset Hill Community Center (3003 NW 66th St.) You can RSVP (rainwise@seattle.gov) or just show up.