Loyal Heights Community Center building improvements start today

Starting today, the Loyal Heights Community Center is getting some work done to improve the electrical system and install an energy efficient boiler. Seattle Parks and Recreation says the work to replace the 1940s era boiler will go through the end of the year, so a temporary heating system will be installed to keep the building warm during operating hours. The electrical system work will happen later in the year. The upgrades will include replacement of old fuse panels, new wiring, and circuits as necessary, says Seattle Parks.

Parks says normal community center programs will remain in progress during the improvements, but construction noise will be normal for the next few months. The funding for the upgrades was allocated from the Parks and Green Spaces Levy.

About the funding, from Parks:

…the Levy established an inflation adjustment for development projects intended to ensure that, should there be inflation in the construction industry, projects built in the later years of the levy would have sufficient funding. To date, levy projects have not experienced inflation and have benefited from a competitive bid climate.

Based upon the absence of construction industry inflation, the Parks and Green Spaces Levy Oversight Committee recommended re-allocating these funds to a specific list of high priority major maintenance projects at Seattle Parks and Recreation such as the Loyal Heights Community Center project.

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