The 27th annual City of Seattle sponsored Spring Clean is on from April through May. This initiative encourages locals to get out and about and clean up their neighborhood.
Spring Clean provides both the opportunity and the resources for Ballard locals to keep our neighborhood tidy. Any person or group is able to sign up on the Spring Clean website. On the form locals can indicate which free resources that they need for their clean up project. Resources available include garbage grabbers, trash bags, gloves, safety vests and graffiti removal materials.
Spring Clean activities can include painting out graffiti, picking up litter and illegally dumped materials, stenciling storm drains, cleaning school yards, removing invasive plants in planting strips and traffic circles, and planting trees. All projects during the Spring Clean are conducted on public property.
The Spring Clean is made possible each year through a Seattle Public Utilities partnership with Parks and Recreation, Department of Neighborhoods, and Department of Transportation.
For more information or to sign up for the resources, call the Spring Clean hotline at (206) 233-7187 or check out their website here.