After three years at its second location near the Ballard Locks (3005 NW 54th St) Nellie’s Coffee and Toast closed on Saturday. The cafe was previously located at the corner of 17th Ave NW and NW 56th.
My Ballard reader Amy emailed in reporting the closure. “Nellies was told April 22nd that their last day would be April 28th. They were asked not to discuss it, but there was a sign up sheet for an email list,” wrote Amy. “If you want to cry in your coffee, it’s the place to be right now. Super super super sad news,” Amy continued. Owners Jeanette and Todd were unable to comment on the reason behind the closure when we contacted them last week.
Ballardites will now find the cafe bare and closed with a sign (pictured) posted on the window.
We will continue to investigate and update readers with more information about the closure when more is known.