Ballard students to perform ‘Don’t Touch That Dial!’ at Seattle Children’s Theatre this weekend

Over 300 children from the Ballard Academy of Music and Dance will be performing in the TV-themed dance production “Don’t Touch That Dial!” this weekend at the Seattle Children’s Theatre. The shows are on Saturday and Sunday, June 15 and 16, at the Seattle Center.

The performance will include dances to some of TV history’s best theme songs, according to a release about the production. The Ballard Academy of Music and Dance opened three years ago and provides music and dance lessons to all ages, and all instructors are university-trained.

The showtimes on Saturday are 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., and Sunday’s show is at 12:30 p.m. Last year, tickets sold out, so to buy your ticket in advance, call the Ballard Academy 206-240-3408, or buy your tickets at the door. Advance tickets cost $19.50; they cost $21 at the door.



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