Help Carole find her puppy

image (1)Lila the puppy is lost in Ballard, My Ballard reader Kristina Webberley from the Ballard Senior Center tells us. Lila is just 4 months old and is a brown chihuahua who belongs to a woman named Carole. She has a tag with her information and a small bell, but is not chipped. Lila was last seen yesterday on 54th, west of the Ballard NW Senior Center on 32nd Ave NW.

If you have any information about Lila, call Carole at 206-784-8307 or Webberley at the Ballard Senior Center at 206-297-0403. Or, email us at “She is a very nice puppy. Please call even if you have only seen her,” Webberley writes.

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