Tonight is the monthly Ballard District Council meeting, made sweeter with an ice cream social. The meeting is held at the Ballard Library from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Free parking is provided below the library.
Here is the agenda:
7:00 Introductions & Short Announcements – please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 What can Ballard and Sydney, Australia learn from each other about good urban design, accommodating growth, and broadening participation, Andy Marlow, Cox Architecture, Sydney, Australia
Andy is a well recognized architect/urban planner in Australia. He is in the US studying community engagement practices in Seattle, Vancouver, BC, and Chicago.
7:35 Staff Report, Rob Mattson
7:40 Executive Committee Report, Catherine Weatbrook
7:50 Annual Ballard DC Ice Cream Social
This year, America West Bank is providing the ice cream.
8:05 Updating Seattle’s Bike Master Plan, Kevin O’Neill, Project Manager- Seattle DOT
A close up view of what’s in the plan for the Ballard district.
8:30 Adjourn