Correction: Bike advisory lanes to be painted on NW 45th St.

Shilshole Ave NW NW 45th St. will soon have bike “advisory lanes,” which are bike lanes that cars are allowed to drive in after yielding to bicyclists. The advisory lanes will be one part of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT) South Ballard Corridor Safety Improvements Project, which also includes some shoulder maintenance on Shilshole and improvements at busy intersections nearby.

Map of planned improvements (from SDOT) 

The bike advisory lanes also include installation of speed bumps, striping and slower speed limits in the area of the missing link. According to SDOT, they’ll be installing new speed limit signs along NW 45th St, and a traffic island to create a T-intersection at NW 46th St. and Shilshole Ave NW. They say it will “square up” the intersection for clearer alignment to make it safer for bikes and pedestrians to cross.

SDOT says new striping and signage is also planned for the intersections of Ballard Ave NW and 17th Ave NW and Ballard Ave NW at NW 48th St. At NW 48th St, SDOT says the goal is to control traffic coming from Leary Way via NW 48th St. as traffic enters Ballard Ave NW, and to improve vehicle sight lines and slowing traffic speeds.

Work on the advisory lanes and the intersection improvements on Ballard Ave at 17th and 48th will is planned to begin this fall.


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