Old Ballard street name tiles removed after sidewalk repairs



The My Ballard team spoke to Laurie Munger from the City of Seattle who confirmed that the repairs were done by contractors under SDOT management.

However, Munger reported that the specific manager of the project will be out of the office until early next week so there will be a short wait to get full details on the future of the tiles. However, Munger’s comments were promising, “the intent was for them to go back,” she said.

Original Post:

My Ballard reader Dan emailed in to let us know that the old Ballard street name tiles had been removed after sidewalk repairs on the corner of 24th Ave NW and NW 63rd St.

According to Dan, the sidewalks have been redone on all four corners of the intersection where the street name tiles had been imbedded.

“To be fair, it does look like they redid the ramps that lead onto the sidewalks and they look nice but I’m sad that they didn’t put the old name signs back in,” writes Dan.

polkWe have put in a call to the City of Seattle regarding the future of the street name tiles and are awaiting a response.

Check out the photo above of the street name tiles that have been removed from the 24th and 63rd  location. The photo was taken by local photographer Luke who mapped and photographed the street name tiles back in 2009.

Thanks to Dan for sending in the information and the photo.

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