Locals are invited to attend the “Community Conversations” event at Ballard Library (5614 22nd Ave NW) this evening to discuss the current and future library services with City Librarian Marcellus Turner. The event will be held from 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. and is part of a community engagement series that has been hosted at many branches of the Seattle Public Library.
Turner will host the event and will provide an update on implementation of the Library levy, approved by Seattle voters in August 2012. “I’m looking forward to talking with patrons about what the Library can do to serve them better and to share our progress on the levy,” Turner said.
Turner is also particularly interested in hearing from patrons on the five Library service priorities: Youth and early learning; technology access; community engagement; Seattle culture and history; and re-imagined spaces.
Library Board members and Library staff will be in attendance to hear what the public has to say and to answer any questions.
All are welcome and light refreshments will be provided.
To find out more information about the event click here.