By Joe Veyera
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has announced that SDOT crews will be conducting maintenance work on the Ballard Bridge later this week, affecting its ability to be open for marine traffic.
On Thursday, crews will replace the bridge’s centerlock motor. For this work, the U.S. Coast Guard has granted a one hour extension of the morning closed period for marine traffic until 10 a.m. After 10 a.m., one span of the bridge may be opened, provided the bridge is given at least one hour’s notice so that both equipment and personnel can be moved safely off the span.
All work for the day should be completed no later than 4 p.m. The bridge is the final of four Lake Washington ship canal bridges to be passed before entering the Puget Sound from Lake Washington.
For more information on the maintenance work, click here.
while we are on the subject…why, exactly, does marine law still rule this modern era?
Exactly, guesty.
Yesterday I was commuting by bicycle to downtown. I tried going over the Locks, but the dam spillway was closed for most of the day (no notice here).
So I rode over to 15th Ave, and just as I got near the crossing, a little sailboat tooted it’s horn and made me and 100+ other working people wait while the little boat slowly made it’s way through.
Talk about archaic!
You’re just jealous…we boaters love messing with you.