SDOT is kicking off the new school year with the launch of school traffic safety education campaigns that will reach nearly half of all schools throughout the city. The Safe Routes to School program aims to encourage students, families and communities to start the school year off safely when travelling to, from and around schools.
“Through education and improvements SDOT is working to ensure that students across Seattle can travel to and from school safely,” said Acting SDOT Director Scott Kubly. “But we need your help to ensure that every child arrives safely at their destination.”
With safety in mind at the start of the school year, SDOT reminds everyone to follow these traffic tips:
When driving:
- Be patient during school arrival and dismissal
- Obey the 20 m.p.h. speed limit in school zones (speeding in a school zone is a $189 ticket)
- Do not park in school load zones
- Stop for pedestrians in all crosswalks; pedestrians have the right of way at all intersections, whether in a marked crosswalk or not
- Stop and wait for school buses when their red lights are flashing
When walking:
- Walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic
- Wear bright colored clothing to increase visibility
- Cross only at intersections or marked crosswalks, not in the middle of a block
- Stop at the curb or the edge of the road
- Look left, then right, then left again, before you step into the street
When biking:
- Wear a helmet
- Use a white front light (visible for 500 feet) and a red rear reflector or light at night
- Use hand signals (and look) before turning
- Obey stop signs and traffic signals
- Always look for cars before crossing a street
- Give right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks and on sidewalks
Click here to find out more information about the Safe Routes to School program and do your part in keeping our Ballard students safe.
“Back to School: Then and Now”:
A 2-minute education in “Progress”!
“Use a white front light (visible for 500 feet) and a red rear reflector or light at night ”
Even if you have a light, you MUST always have a red rear reflector. It’s the law. Many rear lights are too weak to actually be of use, and a reflector is much more bright.