Ballard Partnership launches public restroom study

The Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth is currently working with SDOT’s Public Space Program on a feasibility study to find the proffered location and design for a clean, safe and permanent public restroom in the Central Ballard area.

According to the Central Ballard Restroom Study website, “access to a convenient public restroom facility is critical for the economic wellbeing and livability of the business district and neighborhood.”

The study is currently underway as part of the preliminary work on the project. Draft siting criteria started back in in September, and four potential locations and two potential design types have been identified.

Ballard Partnership and SDOT are now undertaking a broad public outreach campaign to gain local feedback on the location and design options.

Moving forward, the Clean/Health/Safe Working Group will make initial recommendations to the BSPG Leadership Group in late March. The BSPG Leadership Group will then vote on their preferred location and design type in April.

Check out the location options being considered on the map below:

Ballard Restroom Map Sites2

The two design options being considered are the “loo” and the “comfort station”.

The Loo (pictured below), developed in Portland, is a small footprint facility which provides a comfortable experience while discouraging misuse of restrooms for improper activities.


The comfort station design option (pictured below) is the most common public restroom type found in public parks. The structures are connected to water and electricity utilities and often have staff. They can serve multiple people because of their large footprint.


Locals are invited to complete the 5 minute online survey to give their feedback.

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