Another coyote spotted in Ballard

My Ballard reader David emailed in this morning to let us know that he spotted a coyote at the intersection of NW 60th St and 34th Ave NW at 6:15 a.m.

Check out David’s description below:

I run the same loop religiously, and I have never seen a coyote blazingly out and about before. He did not seen scared of me at all (and I’m 6’1” and 185 lbs!), nor was he particularly quick to beat his retreat.

I think that I got to within 75-100’ of creature before s/he calmly trotted across the street and watched me run by, seemingly unconcerned about the encounter.

This coyote was roughly the size/shape of a medium (say 40-50 lbs) dog, and s/he appeared well-nourished.

If you spot any coyotes in the neighborhood, email and let us know.

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