USPS shortages result in irregular local mail delivery

My Ballard reader Cynthia emailed in to let us know that many residents in the Salmon Bay neighborhood have experienced no or irregular mail delivery over the past few days.

Cynthia has received no mail delivery over the last two days to her home near the intersection of NW 70th St and 20th Ave NW.

“I stopped by the Ballard Post Office Annex on Tuesday morning for an explanation and I learned that some routes have been changed and carriers are in the process of learning new routes,” writes Cynthia.

Cynthia was unable to get a specific explanation of where her mail was or when delivery is expected to return to a regular Monday-Saturday schedule.

“I understand that the PO Annex now has to serve a larger territory and staff are scrambling to keep up with the workload.  That sounds like a tough situation,” writes Cynthia.

The My Ballard team are making attempts to get to the bottom of the situation and will update the post with more information about when delivery is likely to return to normal.

Have you experienced this issue during the last few days? Email us at and let us know.

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