Over the next few weeks, SPU’s contractor for the Ballard Natural Drainage Systems project will continue work in the neighborhood.
Crews will be constructing modular soil cells (silva cells) for the natural drainage systems along 17th Ave NW between NW 77th St and NW 80th St and installing bioretention soil and sidewalks.
ADA curb ramp improvements will also be constructed at the intersection of NW 77th St and 17th Ave NW.
In July, the contractor will also start on construction near Loyal Heights Elementary School on NW 77th St and along 26th Ave NW between NW 77th St and NW 83rd St. Crews will begin by installing pit drains and conducting flow testing for the natural drainage systems.
Anticipated impacts include:
- Temporary sidewalk closures.
- Temporary traffic lane closures.
- Constructions materials and equipment in street.
- Increased construction traffic, noise, dirt and vibrations.
- Parking restrictions during work hours.
Locals can sign up to receive construction updates online.