The Ballard District Council’s next meeting is set for Wednesday, February 8, from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. and will be held at Merrill Gardens (2418 NW 56th St).
Topics for the evening include the organization’s structure going forward without City sponsorship, continued support for Interbay industrial land, an introduction to a free tax preparation service and a presentation on the City’s Find-It-Fix-It walk through Crown Hill followed by our community organizations’ experience with, and recommendations for, that program.
Ballard District Council is alive and well and will be an even more effective voice for the Crown Hill / Ballard neighborhoods now that we operate independently from the City.
Meeting space for the February meeting is generously provided by Merrill Gardens since without City support the council no longer has access to the Ballard Library after its normal closing time.
All are welcome.