Proposed high school boundaries introduced to board tonight

The controversial proposal to redraw the Ballard High School boundary will be introduced to the school board tonight. Just over a dozen Seattle residents are slated to speak before the board — several about Ballard High specifically.

As we wrote last month, the latest proposed maps either exclude a chunk of North Ballard — which would go to Ingraham near Bitter Lake — or move West Woodland to the new high school in Wallingford. Under these scenarios, Magnolia remains in the Ballard High zone.

The meeting begins at 4:15 this afternoon (Wednesday) at 2445 3rd Avenue S. Public testimony is scheduled for 5:30, and the board is expected to discuss the issue sometime after 6:30. The meeting is scheduled to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.

The board is not making any decisions today. It has a work meeting scheduled for the 10th, then the full board is expected to make a decision on the 17th. We’ll keep you updated…

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

15 thoughts to “Proposed high school boundaries introduced to board tonight”

  1. And why shouldn’t parents be there to advocate for what is best for their kids? That isn’t a pitchfork wielding mob, it is what good parenting looks like. Maybe if there was more good parenting we wouldn’t have kids addicted to video games, bullying or childhood obesity.

    For 100 years kids in Ballard have gone to Ballard High School and now the School Board wants to come up with a new plan that punishes families in Ballard because the School Board failed to properly plan and anticipate for school enrollment as the city’s population has grown.

    As usual the elected officials come up with the dumbest plan. Hopefully they get an earful tonight.

  2. “it is what good parenting looks like.”

    Nope., it’s what upper middle class, white entitlement looks like. North Beach style.

    “For 100 years kids in Ballard have gone to Ballard High School”

    North of 85th isn’t Ballard.

  3. LD BALLARD F@RT – the boundary is 80th, dividing Ballard. This is not a north of 85th discussion anymore. The reason for this shift is to enable Magnolia students to attend Ballard while bussing Ballard kids 4.5 miles (2 metro buses with a transfer at Aurora).

  4. Entitlement is people wanting subsidized housing paid for with property tax levies, bike lanes paid for with gas taxes, allowing the homeless to camp undisturbed in parks and on sidewalks and safe injection sites so people can shoot illegal drugs. Its getting something you didn’t pay for but feel you somehow deserve.

    Parents making their feelings heard to the School Board is free speech and holding the elected School Board members accountable to do their jobs so their kids can get a good education in the neighborhood they live in, not a school across the city.

  5. Oh no… It’s Stinky Old Fort again. Uninformed and lacking common sense. Listen to Skip and Mom98117. They just set you straight. Why don’t you go back to your bridge you live under or yell at some clouds.

  6. Some of these proposals look as gerrymandered as a Texas or North Carolina Congressional District. Anybody can just look and see they’re obviously tilted in someone’s favor. Any algorithmic evaluation would show the same. It’s simple: telling kids who are in walking distance ( 4mi away, while other kids who are near school B *also* go farther to attend school A, is obviously both unfair and dumb on its face.

  7. Sigh. I don’t know how but the middle of my comment disappeared and now it makes no sense. (Oh I think it may be escape characters)

    Some of these proposals look as gerrymandered as a Texas or North Carolina Congressional District. Anybody can just look and see they’re obviously tilted in someone’s favor. Any algorithmic evaluation would show the same. It’s simple: telling kids who are in walking distance – 1.5 mi -from school A that they need to bus to
    school B 4mi away, while other kids who are near school B *also* go farther to attend school A, is obviously both unfair and dumb on its face.

  8. I think a lot of the problems we have today, is that parents freak out if their little snowflake children have to be exposed to any sort of inconvenience. Life can be tough some time and maybe if all of you (Ballard, Magnolia, Crown Point) spent a little more time teaching your kids life skills instead of how to be whiny babies, we could develop a generation that is more worthwhile than their parent’s. Sometimes you may have to make new friends, pedal your bike further, overcome some sort of obstacle in life.

    Well it’s Ballard, so I’m not really counting on it.

  9. I spoke at this school board meeting and invited parents of students living between NW 80th and 85th to consider working with us in Magnolia to jointly endorse map scenarios that work for both communities.

    We’re in contact with several of these parents and have begun a collaborative and coordinated effort, including attending yesterday’s task force meeting.

    If anyone else would like to join forces, please message us via our Facebook page:

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