Ballard Brothers Seafood & Burgers (5305 15th Ave NW) has repainted their restaurant and added a Henry mural to pay homage to the Ballard High School Beavers.
Ballard Brothers owner and chef Drew Greer says they painted the entire restaurant its original BHS colors, with the addition of local muralist Henry’s artistic touches. “Thought you would enjoy the fun and neighborhood beautification!” Greer writes.
Love their burgers and fries!
Love beaver paintings!
Mike 0’Brains hates Ballard Brothers Fries.
Mike O’Brains? Is that his nom de plume for the Halloween season?
Homeless people!
…he wants his cigar back.
A beaver eating an anchor? This “henry” is a funny guy!
Points off for accuracy. Everyone knows a beaver eats Dick’s.
Hello ashwiN
Ballard High yeah! Gotta love the black and red/I was the Ballard High School marching band majorette/Terri