The city’s annual survey seeking feedback on public safety concerns is live for two more days — the survey closes on Nov. 30.
Administered by Seattle University researchers, the survey is mean to solicit feedback from community members around security concerns. A report on the results will be given to the Seattle Police Department, “to assist them with making your neighborhood safer and more secure”, according to the survey info.
“The areas measured are perceptions of police legitimacy, informal social control, social cohesion, fear of crime, social disorganization, and positive perceptions and high knowledge of Seattle Police Department’s community engagement initiatives,” according to SPD.
Questions in the survey cover impressions of Seattle police officers, and whether their presence is adequate. They also ask whether participants have been victims of crime, from property to physical threats or attacks. All responses are confidential, and no personal information is requested of participants. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and participants must be 18 or older.
Last year, the survey showed that the five biggest concerns were the lack of police capacity, car prowls, car/RV camping, residential burglary, and traffic issues. To view the results from 2017, click here.
Photo from
i am and have been concerned about the number of junkies, thieves, etc living in tents or RV’s all over ballard and the city in general.
i am concerned that when these people commit crimes, idiots like o’brien and his buddies say they are “survival crimes”…
i am concerned that among these people are arsonists and sex offenders and plenty of others with outstanding warrants that do not get checked because sad-face-emoji, too mean.
i am concerned that i could continue on for at least a paragraph about the city bending over backwards for bums and vagrant criminals.
You better hush up before we raise taxes and upzone yo ass!
What a sad life you lead that your concern about the homeless has engulfed your entire existence, to the point that you spend every waking hour shitposting under your multiple personality sockpuppets on neighborhood blogs.
Have you tried going out and trying to enjoy life, like a normal person? It would mean less shitposting, but it’ll be worth it, I promise!
LOL you don’t know how to click a link?
I demand more lip sync videos. That seemed to really make a difference!
“Something something racism sexism homophobia Islamophobia tax increase something something Starbucks social justice something lawsuit something something NRA.”
I tried to do the survey, but I found it to be quite biased against the police. I always thought surveys should be even-handed. Now give me a survey where I can rate City Council members on how their work impacts my life and my neighborhood, and I’m there!
It’s called a ballot. Make sure to vote in the next election!
You have to remember that SU is biased and far left – pro homeless. Yes, surveys are supposed to be neutral – you can have your hypotheses but it is supposed to be designed to let the evidence go to the truth of the matter – not to be used to prove your theory.
I dont live in King County. Never will. I refuse to take my family to Seattle due to the drug addicts on the streets injecting heroin in their bodies. There is shit and piss on the streets. Disgusting.
It’s also clear you’ve never been to King Coun…hold on just a minute!
*removes “Diane’s” mask*
Aha! It was just our neighborhood blog Sockpuppet, tirelessly trying to convince some imaginary audience that Ballard, Seattle and King County are terrible, despite reality! But why Mr. Sockpuppet?
Sockpuppet: Yargh! I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling people rooted in reality!
No, Mr. Sockpuppet, why are you falsely claiming our City is terrible, when anybody can just step outside to see that your claims are 101% false?
Sockpuppet, foaming at the mouth: The progressives! Soyboys! Librarian cucks!! AHHHHH!
Elenchos, we all know it’s you. Shut up already
Somehow depressing rural Washington’s opiate epidemic, rampant property theft and getting your propane tank stolen off your bbq weekly so people can use it to make meth is better.
There are downsides to both rural and city life, but the upsides of the city far outweigh it’s downside to most of us that live here. Feel free to stay away if you don’t want to go to Seahawks games, rock concerts, the opera, art openings, good restaurants, fun cocktail bars, the aquarium, the zoo, a big university, etc., we don’t mind the lines being smaller.
“Seahawks games, rock concerts, the opera, art openings, good restaurants, fun cocktail bars, the aquarium, the zoo, a big university,”
If this is why you live in Seattle, you’re more of a hick than the real hicks. We used have some neat local culture here besides the overpriced tourist trap stuff. And, yeah, sporting events (taxpayer subsidized!) are fun – enjoy dodging the army of scumf*ck felons (also taxpayer subsidized!) in Sodo. Yeah we know the “dumb rural counties” are overrun with tweakers and junkies, so why do all you “superhip urban geniuses” fill up the neat old neighborhoods with these lowlife criminal degenerates? You’re even dumber than the hicks you denigrate in the red counties, because at least they don’t INVITE THEM THERE.
Is that what the propane tanks are for. Sorry, I have been out of the know on that. I kept wondering why all these homeless camps would have propane tanks. I thought they somehow used them to keep warm or to use with barbecues that they had also stolen to cook their food on. Learn something new every day!
Ok. I didn’t realize Ballard was outside of King County.
I support our police and completed the survey
Dump the entire council and sue them for negligence and/or corruption.
The less policing we have the more equitable our society will become. Fact!
I gave up when I had to pick a gender. So many to chose from and tonight I’m feeling kind of sassy.
Binary gender identity is patriarchal violence, but actual violence isn’t really violence- it “just happens”: guns go off by themselves i.e. ‘hit by stray bullet’ not ‘shot by a gang’, a ‘van/truck runs drove onto sidewalk’ not ‘a terrorist drove into crowd’, a fire ‘started’ not ‘arsonist burns down biz’ etc and all of it is still the fault of cishet taxpayers elsewhere (because colonialism, duh!), not the aggressors themselves.
In fact, the City Council’s failures were just “things that happened” and nothing you, I, them or anybody else could do would change the rapid decay of Seattle’s quality of life…except MORE TAXES.
Funny how social justice ideology works seamlessly to shore up the existing power structures and revenue schemes, while also shielding those on the left from any and all criticism.
Time to get even more woke, Woke William!
I took the survey. I said I wanted more taxes, less police, more junkies, more rapes, more arson, dumber clowncil members, more stabbings, worse traffic, higher cost of living, more RV’s that I pay the parking for, more of my tax dollars for homeless cleanups that never actually ‘happen, I agreed with the city’s plan to make their own heroin for the junkies, I also firmly agree with the mobile junkie van the city will supply for junkies to do heroin inside, I definitely also agree we should have a spot for junkies to do more heroin with nurses nearby to save their suicidal lives.
Did I mention the big hobo slush fund the city is disguising as “affordable housing?” That one is my favorite.
I know. I didn’t believe the city actually wanted to buy/make heroin for the junkies when I read it too.
Whoa, a MyNorthwest blog post! We should all definitely base our opinions on that sensationalist drivel!
Give it a rest, Harley!
Might be a MyNorthwest blog post, but it’s THE REAL SALLY BAGSHAW’s voice coming up with the idea.
Truth, I don’t know what’s loonier: your bad takes, calling everyone here “Sockpuppet”, or the fact you seem to avoid ever SPEAKING WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS about life in Ballard 2018. Ask around, or better yet, go sit a spell in Commons Park or walk around Market Street at sundown.
Truth, I don’t know what’s loonier: your bad takes, calling everyone here “Sockpuppet”…
If you don’t call yourself and your many blog personalities a Sockpuppet, what do you call yourself? You’re not fooling anyone that all this shitposting is from many, unique people.
Ask around, or better yet, go sit a spell in Commons Park or walk around Market Street at sundown.
Hung out for a bit in Ballard Commons this past Sunday in fact. Kids playing, old people reading, skaters using the skate park and a couple homeless.
Still the chill place it’s always been. It isn’t the greatest park in the world, but it’s nice. Sure wasn’t the shit show you constantly claim it is.
Went down Market Street later that night for dinner and again, lots of people walking around, enjoying themselves and sure, a couple homeless people. But it was a nice scene, beautiful even, with the tree lights on. Definitely not the shit show you claim it is.
I don’t understand what your motive is for pushing false claims that can easily be refuted by simply walking outside.
It’s like you’re trying to hoodwink people from outside the City into thinking Seattle and Ballard are terrible, but not realizing that people from outside Ballard don’t read this blog or why they would care what an anonymous person is claiming about a neighborhood they’ve never been to.
Your antics are very similar to the circle-jerk that is the sockpuppets on the MyNorthwest comment sections, where I assume you came from.
Truth, you are a shi*show.
Thanks for proving my point.
Hi, thanks for your support! You seem to be all-in with the wonderful, progressive, very-smart ideas put forth by myself and the City Clowncil! In fact, I would say that You’re Woke, Friend! Now, just lean into the SJW ideology, double or triple-down on it if necessary, and soon, I’ll be rolling in the dough provided by Big Hobo. Big Hobo knows all! You wouldn’t like Big Hobo when it’s angry! And Remember, Vote Salty, Vote O’Brine 2019!
How many different names do you post under here? I’ve seen you use City Clowncil with at least half a dozen different aliases, so I know it’s the same guy. In one of those articles about Ruffo in the Stranger they mentioned how one guy is responsible for something like 80% of the Trumpy anti-Seattle anti-O’Brien posts in social media, you must be that guy.
Hey Genius, half the city calls it the “Clowncil”. Believe it or not, not everyone in Ballard or Seattle is a Huffpo lunatic social justice cult member.
No they don’t. One dude does and you are posting under a bunch of different aliases and liking your own posts. You use exactly the same language and have the exact same opinions through multiple aliases. Everyone is aware it’s happening because it’s so annoying. MyBallard just doesn’t have the staff to delete all your sockpuppet posts… but they will start considering it as it drives all their readers and advertisers away. You make this place all about your political ranting, it’s all about you, all the time, which is annoying to the rest of us.
Maybe Ballard should worry less about the APPEARANCE of being a nice place and CLEAN UP THE VERY EXPENSIVE neighborhood instead of shaming people who are fed up with paying for the junkie criminals.
Why do you call that “political”? If it is part of your political identity to foist criminal addicts on your neighbors and make them pay for grand (non) solutions while they suffer theft, assault, and harassment, then that says more about you and your beliefs than anything else.
I think we’ve found another brilliant O’Brien voter here.
And Mr. Sockpuppet, for the 1000th time, I will ask:
What is your solution to “clean up” Ballard? Please include estimate costs of your solution.
And no, asking them to stop being homeless isn’t an option.
We’ve all answered your question 1000 times, Truth. Not only are your takes bad but you are dishonest to boot. The understaffed and besieged SPD has little motivation to step into the minefield of effective law enforcement because the social justice fools have done such a great job neutering their effectiveness. I’m going out on a limb here and saying you haven’t spoken to many current or former SPD – and there are many former ones who fled to greener pastures.
CM Sawant even wanted to ELIMINATE THE POLICE. That’s what we get in Seattle instead of beat cops. NICE!
This is the culture of this city, at the moment. And let’s not even get into the details like St Lukes FEEDING THE JUNKIES or how the Council more or less lets the campers stay for extended (permanent even) periods in parks and greenspaces. CM Mosqueada tried to reduce the Navigation Team budget. Have you tried getting a response, or even a live human on the phone from the Nav Team? I have! It’s like calling the DMV. Multiple calls for the junkie criminal village by Fred Meyer. Still there!
Grow up and stop this pathetic defense of this group of corrupt incompetents we unfortunately call the City Council.
Completely agree with Rent-a-cop. I’ve spoken recently to SPD (when an RV dweller approached me with an ax in his hand (in Ballard)) and he supports exactly what is written above. The SCC has made it very difficult for our police to do their job. For example: they cannot even knock on an RV door to inquire within (it’s considered harassment) unless they have a search warrant. Also, because of reasonable force restrictions, they must approach suspicious characters in pairs only – a single cop cannot do it.
Demonize the police, decriminalize drugs, and you have our current situation.
I have recently petitioned Fred Meyer to help remove the camp near their parking lot. They don’t care, the city doesn’t care. No one seems to give a shit. I just don’t get it.
And when you speak out against it, you are marginalized as not being “nice” enough.
Could someone please explain this to me?
I can’t understand it myself. There’s zero logic.
@Truth. Elenchos used to always whine about sockpuppets. Are you elenchos? If so, please pull your lower lip over your head and swallow.
Sorry lover, but I’m not your BFF Elenchos.
Again, you didn’t state your solution to the homeless problem, you instead ranting about eliminating the police, something about junkies and of course, no Sockpuppet rant is complete without gushing over Sawant.
Then you use another Sockpuppet name to agree with your incoherent rant. Same ol’ Sockpuppet!
Sorry lover, but I’m not your BFF Elenchos.
Again, you didn’t state your solution to the homeless problem, you instead ranting about eliminating the police, something about junkies and of course, no Sockpuppet rant is complete without gushing over Sawant.
Then you use another Sockpuppet name to agree with your incoherent rant. Same ol’ Sockpuppet!
Sorry lover, but I’m not your BFF Elenchos.
Again, you didn’t state your solution to the homeless problem, you instead ranting about eliminating the police, something about junkies and of course, no Sockpuppet rant is complete without gushing over Sawant.
Then you use another Sockpuppet name to agree with your incoherent rant. Same ol’ Sockpuppet!
This won’t change much until sentiments do. A survey is a mere suggestion and many times just used as news. The deck is so stacked here it’s not even humorous any longer. Much like seating a jury of your peers, this is like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, as the voters here just keep selecting the same ilk over and over again and again. Heroin is illegal and we’re NOT going to tax ourselves out of or into anything good.
If you get through the PC BS in the beginning, there are some legit questions.
I put my preferred pronoun down as “Your Majesty”.
These Survey Monkey “surveys” are a crock. Zero validity. Of value only to demagogues. No wonder the City uses them.
The homeless have the lowest carbon footprint. Perhaps they should be teaching us. Climate change should be your primary safety concern.
I know I’m going to hear it for posting an article from outside our region…but if you don’t think this behavior is coming to Seattle before it’s under 3 ft. of water, you are delusional.