The Sri Lankan bar Rupee is inching closer to opening.
Manolin owners Joe Sundberg, Rachel Johnson and Patrick Thalasinos* are behind the new bar, going in at 6307 24th Ave NW. Sundberg told the Seattle Met that the menu will be reminiscent of southern Indian food: “Spicy, coconut heavy, and lots of seafood.”
Rupee posted the above photo of their nearly finished interior yesterday on Instagram: “We are getting closer over here,” they write.
They were aiming for a June opening, so stay tuned. We’ll update when we learn more.
*Correction: The original story mistakenly left out Patrick Thalasinos as one of the co-owners.
Photo from @Rupeebar on Instagram
Wow, two cis white people appropriating culture. Looks like some white people are never satisfied with what they have and have to take from others.
Couldn’t make it as a conservative troll.
Can’t cut it as a concern troll.
What’s your next troll personality going to be?
I know you like to exert your white privilege on this forum by thinking you can tell everyone what to post.
You should write and submit an article listing all the LGBTQ/POC owned and operated restaurants in Ballard. I think people would love to read about that, and you are so very adept at deep, critical research and information gathering. It would really be a positive contribution to our community.
So you’re assuming I’m white? Not very concern troll of you!
How close minded are you that you think white privilege is something only given to white privilege. White privilege is anything given to you by the white patriarchy.
So… I can transfer my white privilege to say, a minority restaurant owner? Or are you saying I can’t because I’m not male? Can a POC transfer their right to own an Sri Lankan inspired restaurant to a white person?
I don’t understand your above statement and would really like it explained to me. I feel like I’ve got a white privilege punch card that isn’t being used to it’s fullest extent because I didn’t read the fine print.
this is a big deal, it’s embarrassing that you are mocking it.
I’m asking you to explain it so I understand how white privilege can be given, or second hand, to a non-white person. I absolutely do not understand what it is you are trying to say. Please educate me.
This is perfect summer food, I can’t wait to try it.
More yum in Ballard! So much for my waistline…
LOVE Manolin, psyched to have Rupee so close we can walk there!
Bummer about the seating! It appears to be all high-chairs and nothing easy for folks with mobility challenges to use. The food looks amazing & love the location. I was really looking forward to trying… :(
cool another bar, way cool