The west end of NW Market Street is inching towards normalcy again, as crews placed temporary asphalt along the stretch between 24th and 28th on the south side of the road.
SDOT says the temporary asphalt is just a top layer, and is intended to provide a safe walking surface during the winter months. In recent weeks, crews have wrapped up the sidewalk work on the north side of NW 54th St and NW Locks Place — work on the south side of the street will continue in the spring.
Last week, crews worked on some landscaping and continued their electrical and conduit installation and backfilled trenches along 54th and Locks Place. That work will continue this week, with a few pedestrian detours in place while crews are on site.
SDOT says that in the coming weeks, crews will place additional temporary measures along the work zone to improve pedestrian access and provide a safe path from parking spaces to the sidewalk, at the same time reducing barriers and fencing. They’ll place additional temporary asphalt along the remaining gravel portions of NW Market St, and level off and cover tree pits with temporary asphalt.
To learn more and stay updated on the project, visit the Ballard Multimodal Corridor website.
Looks like an ideal spot for a trail…
Oh man, don’t start. This isn’t about the missing link.
Lefty The Comment Thread Troll can’t help himself. He has pushagendaitis.
carsongbaker – you are right! That is where the BGT will be when these fools stop complaining.