New apartment complex proposed to replace Waterwheel Lounge on 15th Ave NW

A new apartment complex plan is in the works that would replace the longstanding dive bar the Waterwheel Lounge at 7034 15th Ave NW.

The Waterwheel Lounge property was up for sale in 2019; owner Carole Nicholas told My Ballard the future was uncertain.

Now, plans for a 16-unit apartment building have materialized that would replace the Waterwheel.

According to the project plans, the apartment would include 16 residential units above a 937-square-foot restaurant with parking for five cars and 16 bicycles.

The developer, Magedai Apartments, is in the midst of the public outreach phase.

A neighboring resident and Waterwheel regular Jae told My Ballard that they received a mailer detailing the project and were disappointed by the news.

“It really seems like a neighborhood gathering place and it would be so sad to see it taken away,” they said in an email.

We’ve reached out to the Waterwheel Lounge to learn more about their plans and will update you with any new information.