Seattle Mattress Company to remain open despite redevelopment plans

Despite redevelopment plans, Seattle Mattress Company (6019 15th Ave NW) plans to remain open.

A land use application is in progress to turn the corner property at 15th Ave NW and NW 61st St into a 5-story, 51-unit apartment building.

Seattle Mattress Company manager Tony Archer tells My Ballard that their lease ends in spring 2024 and that they’re actively looking for a new location in Ballard. “We have been in business for over 140 years and already searching for a new location for our storefront,” he said in an email.

“We are making our every effort to stay in Ballard, but we might have to expand our search if nothing is available that fits our needs,” Archer says. He says it’s business as usual in the Ballard location as they look for a new location.

There’s an upcoming design review meeting on Oct. 16 for the new apartment project.