Apartment plans evolving for Waterwheel Lounge redevelopment project

The plans to turn the Waterwheel Lounge (7034 15th Ave NW) property into a small apartment building are ticking along.

The project to build a 5-story, 16-unit apartment building on the property is under administrative design review, with comments accepted until July 8.

The plans include a ground-floor restaurant and parking for six vehicles.

The architect is Interurban Architects; they’re naming the building Magedai Apartments.

Waterwheel Lounge, a dive-bar favorite in Ballard, opened in 1974. The future has been uncertain for the Waterwheel for some time; the property went up for sale back in 2019, and then the current apartment plans were put into motion in 2023.

You can comment on the project online.

Rendering by Interurban Architects