Ballard Beer Company closes, new ‘bar for book lovers’ The Ink Drinker to take its place

The Ballard Beer Company has closed up shop, and a new locally owned bar called The Ink Drinker is taking its place at 2050 NW Market St.

The Ballard Beer Company, which opened back in 2014, announced its closure on social media this past week, saying it’s been “an amazing ten year run” and that they’re excited about the vision that the new owner has for the space.

The Ink Drinker is a “bar for book lovers”—owner Shelle wrote on Instagram that she’s been an avid reader since she was a kid.

“Reading isn’t just a hobby. It sustains me. Books have carried me through grief, anxiety, and plenty of other not-so-great experiences in my life,” she wrote.

“At a time of increasing censorship, reading is more important than ever. There are so many stories out there to both expand our horizons and remind us of our connection to each other. They remind us that we’re not alone or broken. That there are others just like us.”

Shelle says The Ink Drinker is a bar when you can “you can “come, kick back with your latest read, and enjoy a craft cocktail (or mocktail) with minimal distractions (i.e. no TVs, no blaring music, no clangy pool tables), while surrounded by fellow book lovers.

“We, as readers, deserve a bar that’s made just for us,” she says.

We’ve reached out for more details about the opening plans for The Ink Drinker, and will update this post when we learn more.

Photo: Google Maps Image Capture June 2021