Traffic and pedestrian improvements continue this weekend on Ballard Ave

The final phase of interim refinements on Ballard Ave will be carried out this weekend, with crews planning to improve pedestrian spaces, parking, and travel.

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has been working with local businesses and project partners to refine its designs of Ballard Ave. The refinements include maintaining pedestrian visibility and safety at intersections along the Ballard Ave Cafe Street and providing more support for freight/delivery and business access along the roadway.

On Saturday, Sept. 7, crews will be out adjusting Ballard Ave striping to better distinguish between the pedestrian spaces, parking and loading areas, and the travel lane. SDOT will maintain one northbound travel lane on Ballard Ave.

Horizontal map of a street in gray and white with orange and blue highlights running through the middle and transparent green dots along the map indicating trees. The orange areas signify where parking and loading zones will be located along Ballard Ave NW, and the blue areas show sidewalk cafes. Trees are shown along the two block section of the street in light green.
Map showing the locations of updated striping, curb bulbs, parking and loading areas (orange), and sidewalk cafes (blue) along Ballard Ave NW. Graphic: SDOT  

SDOT says to expect restricted parking while they carry out the work. After they complete the striping work, they plan to make adjustments to the curbspace parking and loading areas. They’ll convert some of the loading on the south side of the street back into parking spaces, and will shift some of the planters and bollards near curbs to make sure pedestrians are protected near intersections.

SDOT says the interim changes are the final step in its process for improving mobility and access on Ballard Ave NW. They’ll continue “observing conditions and meeting with community members and businesses this fall to discuss the future permanent vision for Ballard Ave.”

Photos: SDOT