Ballardite wants to be King

Ballardite Jimmy Peschel works at Foss by day in quality assurance. But this is Jimmy by night (sometimes). Jimmy started impersonating Elvis a few years ago for fun and is getting ready to compete for the third time to be Seattle’s amateur King of Rock and Roll. This Friday is the 13th annual Seattle Invitationals where men and women will pay tribute to the King on his 75th birthday. The event will be held at Club Motor (1950 First Ave. S) on Friday at 8:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased here. Good luck, Jimmy. Er, uh, Elvis!

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

11 thoughts to “Ballardite wants to be King”

  1. So why do all the Elvis impersonators do the old fat Elvis? With the lone exception of El Ves (AKA, the Mexican Elvis), I have yet to see a good young and skinny Elvis.

  2. I've competed against Jimmy in previous years (and will be doing so again this year). He is a SOLID performer and very entertaining. His kids are adorable and in the past have been dressed in Elvis garb. The guy has a great time doing what he does. Check out the show on Friday

    @boardbrown – there are all types of amateur Elvis competing and not just fat vegas Elvis. Last year a woman competed as Jail House Rock Elvis and in years past there was a “Trans-Elvestite” competitor as well as people w/ their own wild and creative renditions of the King.

  3. Yeah, I've seen the Trans Elvis before too. This event used to be hosted at the Crocodile back in the late 90's when I worked there.

    It's pretty fun to watch, even if you don't like Elvis.

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