Assembly Coffee closing after two years in Ballard

The local coffee shop and artist gathering space Assembly Coffee has closed its doors.

Molly Hawkins opened Assembly in 2022 at 5507 17th Ave NW as a space for artists, remote workers, and the community at large to meet, make art, and work. But now she’s had to close up shop, saying citing a “changing economic landscape” and “a number of unforeseen circumstances” leading her to shutter Assembly.

Hawkins tells My Ballard she’s trying to find someone to take it over. If that doesn’t happen, she’ll be selling the furniture, espresso machine, and other equipment.

“It’s hard to not feel like I’ve let people down or that I have failed to bring this vision to life and definitely processing some grief over disappointing the community and anyone who believed in or depended on this space but we have had some interest and hope that this isn’t the end,” Hawkins said in a social media post.

In an email to My Ballard, Hawkins said she’s loved seeing how Assembly brought the community together.

“We had so many amazing stories of community building, budding love in our line, supporting neighbor’s in need, and got to support so many creatives and local musicians. It was such a amazing thing and I truly hope that this could continue to thrive! This part is just getting started!” she wrote.

If you’re interested in either taking over the business or purchasing equipment, reach out to Hawkins at

Photo: Assembly Coffee