It’s stinky, it’s steamy and it’s just waiting to go home with you. Dr. Doo, also known as the Prince of Poo has announced the Fall Fecal Fest at the Woodland Park Zoo – a time when local gardeners enter to purchase the coveted Zoo Doo or Bedspread.
According to the zoo, “Zoo Doo is the most exotic and highly prized compost in the Pacific Northwest. Composed of exotic species feces contributed by the zoo’s non-primate herbivores, Zoo Doo is perfect for vegetables and annuals. Bedspread, the zoo’s premium composted mulch, is like Zoo Doo but with higher amounts of wood chips and sawdust. It’s the perfect mulch for perennial beds and woody landscapes such as native gardens, rose beds, shrubs, tree rings or pathways.”
Send in a postcard from September 1 through September 23rd for your chance to purchase Zoo Doo or Bedspread. You can send a request for both the Zoo Doo and Bedspread, but separate postcards are required and only one postcard per person is eligible for each drawing. Entry cards will be selected randomly for as many entrants possible. Dr. Doo will contact the lucky drawn entries only.
Send a standard postcard to Dr. Doo, Woodland Park Zoo, 601 N. 59th St., Seattle, WA 98103. Include the following information:
-Day and evening phone numbers
-Preference: Zoo Doo or Bedspread
-Amount of Zoo Doo or Bedspread you’d like to purchase (anything from a garbage bag to a full-size, pick-up truck load)
-Weekday or weekend preference for pick-up
Pick-up dates for Zoo Doo or Bedspread begin October 1 and end on October 17. The lucky winners load the compost and the Grand Poopah will arm you with shovels. Pick-up truck 8×4 bed: $60; 6×4 bed: $45; 6×3 bed: $35. Limit one full truck per person. Garbage cans: $8 to $10 depending on size; bags: $4 to $6 depending on size. Two-gallon and pint-sized buckets are available anytime at the ZooStores for $14.95 and $4.95, respectively.