BHS staff to perform ‘Nunsense’ this weekend

This weekend is the debut of the first ever Ballard High School staff musical. They’ll be performing “Nunsense,” and the performances will be on Friday, Oct. 5 and Saturday Oct. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Earl Kelley Performing Arts Center at BHS.

All proceeds from the show will help send the award-winning Ballard High School Drama Department to participate in the International Fringe Festival held in Edinburgh, Scotland in August of 2013, according to the BHS website. BHS is one of 40 American high schools invited to participate in the festival.

The musical will feature Meg Wakeman, BHS Nurse, as Mother Superior; Dr. Barbara Casey, BHS Vice Princpal, as Sr. Mary Hubert; Courtney Rowley, Choir Director, as Sr. Mary Amnesia; Alicia Hale, Social Studies Maven, as Sr. Robert Anne; Natalia Roberts Buceta, BHS Senior, as Sr. Mary Leo; “and an all-star studded cast of surprise appearances from other departments and administrators in the school,” according to the BHS website.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for senior citizens and students under 18 and are available for purchase online.

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