Last day for donations at Crown Hill Grocery Outlet food drive tomorrow


Crown Hill Grocery Outlet are finishing up their month-long food drive tomorrow. The company-wide food drive started at the beginning of July to benefit needy Seattle residents.

The Crown Hill store will be taking food and cash donations to benefit the Fallen Brothers of Seattle which is a community veteran outreach program. Head to the Crown Hill store before tomorrow and help out in one of the ways below:

  • Look for specialty-marked food items OR a non-food toiletries bag. These are items that are in need for the community. Purchase these items and put them in “BLUE COLLECTION BIN” at the front of the store.
  • Tell a Crown Hill Grocery Outlet cashier that you would like to make a cash donation at the register. All money raised will go directly to Fallen Brothers of Seattle. Likewise, all donated food and non-food donations go directly to Fallen Brothers of Seattle.

During the past two years, the Grocery Outlet has raised over $500,000 in cash, gift cards, non-food and food donations company-wide. Check out updates at their Facebook page.

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