Watch out for large groups of kids walking to school tomorrow; Wednesday Oct. 9 is International Walk to School Day, and nine Seattle schools have registered to take part. Loyal Heights Elementary is on the list of schools who have registered to join in on the event, so expect plenty of kids making their way to school via walking and biking.
Over 3,000 schools from all 50 states are expected to join in on International Walk to School Month throughout October. The movement is spread across the world; 40 countries are in on the event. The U.S. participated in its first Walk to School celebration in 1997. The event helps draw attention to the benefits of walking or biking to school. Washington State Department of Transportation’s Highways & Local Programs director Kathleen Davis will be walking with an elementary school in Tumwater. “These types of events provide an opportunity to demonstrate safe walking and biking while promoting physical activity,” said Davis in a release. “We’re investing in sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian islands and other safety features that make walking safer and more convenient for children to get to and from school.”