This week we thought we would take a look back at some newspaper clippings from the days of “old” Ballard. They provide a unique insight into the happenings of our neighborhood back in the day.
The clipping below shows a black and white photo of a Ballard Field House Tap review from 1936. The clipping refers to the “Review of the Months” show and the caption reads “the Lovers’ Tap – Representing the month of February.”
The clipping below from April 29, 1922, appears under the headline “Boy Pitchers Break Records at Ballard”. The caption reads “total registration for twelve playfields to date in The Times Boy Pitchers’ Contest exceeds 2,200.”
The below clipping was featured in the April 14, 1951, issue of The Seattle Guide, which according to My Ballard reader Greg Trudeau, was a give-away at hotels and restaurants for tourists.
“It contained jokes, editorials, building locations, and most of all, advertisements. It was about 2 1/2″ X 7 1/4″ when folded,” writes Trudeau.
The below clipping includes an advertisement for the Lockhaven Apartments, “Located Above Salmon Bay”. The ad states that rentals start at $77.50 and include all electric kitchens, landscaped grounds, elevator service and many more amenities of modern living. Times have definitely changed a bit!
Do you have an historical photo or a story that readers would enjoy hearing about? Email us at with Throwback Thursday in the subject line.
Photo and information courtesy of Ballard Historical Society. Seattle Guide clipping courtesy of My Ballard reader Greg Trudeau.