Fiery sunset over the Olympics

There’s a reason they call it Sunset Hill.

My Ballard Group member Jennifer took the photo above from Sunset Hill park, which she says “was crazier than trying to drive down the street in Olympic Manor on Christmas Eve.”

Group member Kurt caught this one, just a few minutes later:

And another member, Amanda, took this one from Salmon Bay Cafe:

And, one from Gretchen at Sunset West:

For more photos from other members, head over to the My Ballard Group on Facebook.


9 thoughts to “Fiery sunset over the Olympics”

      1. Hey Ross Perot was right. Don’t @ me, Blue Hair. Besides, you liberals pretend like you don’t use gas or sell crap products while you do you “save the planet” guilt performance art lifestyle noise. LAME
        Fun fact: all your birth control hormone urine is ruining the water.

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